Thank you as always for your hard work!
Here's some feedback, take it as you wish:
- A changelog from the previous version is always nice.
- For the 'Quick List', consider emphasizing the light's niche, rather than the model names which are probably meaningless to newcomers. For example:
- Budget General Use Light: Wurkkos FC11
- Headlamp / Angle Light: Skilhunt H04 RC
- Long-Range "Thrower" Light: Sofirn IF22A
- Typo? Convoy Z1 B35AM.
High CRI, warm white thrower LED. I can't think of any good thrower LEDs like this, they were all CRI 70 at best and 6500k (old SFT-40, W1, W2).
The Nichia 519A and 719A are high CRI, but they can't be driven as hard as the SFT-40.