Speaking of which, here is a helpful manual.
Example code == documentation
My favorite strategy in this manual is taking a middle management position and making sure everyone is working as inefficiently as possible. Probably also among the ones most relevant to the current situation!
Yes! Is kawaii therapy?
Those are strawberries, just saying
Companies, under capitalism, don’t serve their customers.
Same! My GF convinced me to contact my doctor about it, so we’ll see where it goes from here! Hopefully I don’t find a way to drop the ball on this before the process is done 😑
For a smaller amount this would be a much more important question. However, 550 million dollars is such a large amount that the gain in utility up to 2 billion is questionable. You could buy a private jet and still have half a billion to invest. That half a billion nets you 25 million a year (with 5 % interest/roi) without ever shrinking.
The lump sum will grow to be worth more than the annuity over the same period if properly invested
Unfortunately, I get this reference
Are you sure he can lift his arms that high?