Ding Ding Ding! This right here. Unfortunately, they say one thing one day, and the opposite the other, and know their followers will latch onto the answer they want to believe/be true. It is exactly how religions work too.
joined 2 years ago
This is golden.
I don't understand how these attacks are not regarded as an act of war? Isn't Volt a known state actor?
Insufficient minerals
Jackhammer the floor out. Lay down weeping tile that drains into a receiving basin with a sump pump. Rent a backhoe to dig around the exterior of the foundation, and seal the trouble area with rubberized sealer.
There are finer points for each process, but that's the gist of it.
Moroni? FTSCC
Oh! That spot is sensitive.
In your motherboard settings, are you in UEFI boot mode? Try changing to BIOS/Legacy. Driver firmware can act differently between the two.
I'm Batman.
Fat Mike for president.