Can anyone suggest a good source for audiobooks?
I know a formal diagnosis can help, but don't forget self diagnosis is valid. It sounds like you're working with someone with outdated knowledge of autism.
This describes me very well. I see nothing but black with shades of gray but can understand/describe how objects look or fit together without issue. My inner dialogue also seems to never stop.
I don't have an exact answer for you but went through this a few years ago with the help of a thread on DSLReports
There's a lot of info there and can be a bit tough to follow but it should get you what you need.
It displays as a link on kbin but plays when clicked
Thanks for the tip on backstage. I've always hated it but never thought to even look for a way to revert to the old standard save dialog.
I'm on Android. If you search for this issue, they've been talking about adding conversation view for years. It's currently a non issue for me, just pointing it out for anyone considering the switch
I just made the switch to proton in the last week and so far I'm happy with it, even decided to pay for a year of service. The one feature I'm surprised to see missing from the android app is conversation view. The web app has it, but mobile doesn't. My personal email is very minimal so I don't really care, but for heavy users this might be an issue.
I'm testing it out and find the search very slow, even after downloading the map for the area.
A second problem I'm having with Magic Earth (maybe it's all apps that use OSM) but it seems to use the county name rather than the city/town for some reason. If I have multipe towns with the same street in one county, I just get a list of locations that all look the same so I'm forced to guess.
I think my last issue with all the options I've tried except Here WeGo is they don't provide contact info or business hours. I tend to use Google maps for that feature more than directions
I'm new to downloading audiobooks - what apps do people recommend for listing to these on an android?
@EarthlingHazard @aniki
I didn't know that was an option. This is much better - thank you.