Wayland basically is X12. X11 was extremely different from X10 to my knowlesge, they just wemt for a shiny new name and a new technical model. X12 was gonna break things too.
hard agree, but a post shaming apple users and calling them suckers is not useful towards that end
yeah i just mean it's my blocker for using torrenting over DDL
but i dont wanna pay for a vpn...
Wasn't Rossman's whole point that people that clowning on others for buying Apple instead of clowning on Apple is aiding Apple anyway?
If Apple get away with it, Samsung'll do it. So will Huawei, and Google, and Motorola. Apple users are not good punching bags
Twitter has rebranded to "X". This means inevitably the icon will change, causing the folder to spell "Gay sex"
i don't really understand what you're getting at
the humour isn't really a political jab, it's just supposed to be a cursed notion
someone painted loss over the swaztika
Are you planning on making a GTK4 Lemmy frontend? That would be awesome!
My understanding is that Fedora is upstream of RHEL, and more of a "sister" than a "descendent". I don't believe it will be affected at all.
Of course, Red Hat may yet put less effort into maintaining Fedora to increase profitability (they're a huge sponsor), but it will not be going proprietary. I think Fedora is a safe bet.
Crostini (The Chromebook Linux solution)