I loved Dark Harvest and 30 Days of Night. Just added The Watchers and Disappearance to my Watch List.
Nah. You'll just have to spend it on air conditioning instead!
Yeah, it was fun! One of only 3 I've seen on that list. Tales From The Darkside I've seen a couple of times - cheesy but entertaining. And Silver Bullet I watch every so often, it's a classic.
Remember the film Poltergeist? Ever since I saw that in the 80s I've wondered how many houses have been built on actual cemeteries!
Horror films that scared me as a kid/teenager: A Nightmare On Elm Street, Jaws, Poltergeist, The Shining. Films that scared me as a 20-something: Event Horizon. (I rewatched Event Horizon a few years ago and it wasn't half as scary as I remember it though!).
Is Silver Bullet an unheard of movie?
I loved the old forums, and couldn't quite see the point of Facebook when it came out. I thought it was just for self-obsessed 'models' and wannabe 'celebs' when I first heard about it! I joined it eventually of course, as all my friends did and I wanted to see what it was all about. Over the years I've had a love/hate thing with FB and only check in a couple of times a week now.
I liked Reddit, it reminded me of the old forums. I like Lemmy more though. It's still got that feeling I remember back in the old forum days before everyone and his dog got online on their phones and things seemed to go downhill.
Not lazy, I just don't see the point in posting a list. I thought it was an interesting article and the discussion about the individual films are worth reading.
Just watched it. Enjoyable. I won't spoil the plot. One of those films that make you think.
Caveat: My standards are low. I love a lot of horror films that others eschew.
Just watched the trailer and it looks like it might be a bit corny! Added it to my Watch List anyway. Might give it a go later tonight.
Totally passed me by this one. I love a good demon film!