Possibly not what you have in mind, but Flying Carpet is awesome for moving stuff between devices regardless of type and OS.
joined 2 years ago
I agree we need better and remember the early days well. Before indexes we passed URLs, in fact just IP addresses of servers we'd visit to see what was there, and that was often a directory of documents, papers etc. It filled us with awe, but let's not dial back that far!
Another improvement will be #LocalLLMs both for privacy and personalised settings. Much of the garbage now is in service of keeping us searching rather than finding what we want.
And ok, I'm interested in this too and building an app related to that for Autonomi which is still in testing so not ready for you yet. When it is, next year?, it might be just what you want.
Right now my goal is an rclone backend to deliver versioned backup. Earlier though I demo'd versioned websites and I'm figuring out how to incorporate both, and other features into a cross platform app. File sharing is obviously part of the potential here.