
joined 2 years ago

Seeing how @rollleafd and @virtualwolf just posted their Hivestorm terrain…

…and the colour scheme is super close to the one I used on the terrain parts previously available (Battlezone Manufactorum), I thought I'd post some older pictures of mine!

Of course, my paint job is not as crisp, but OTOH I did spend time replacing those Machanicum symbols with ones dedicated to real gods 😈

#Warhammer #WarhammerCommunity

@erikcats @warhammer40k
Haha, it's actually tmm, albeit with multiple silver and gold tones.

Or were you referring to the blades?
They are my first attempt at making some semblance of a tmm-like power weapon effect 🙈
I initially felt that the result was absolute rubbish, but after a while I decided it was okay enough to move on to other minis 🤷


Finally, I finished two minis:
The Blessed Blades of the Dark Commune!

Not happy with everything of course, but at least a bit of progress on the many WIP projects.


#WarhammerCommunity #Warhammer #PaintingMiniatures #Chaos #MiniatureMonday

@yith @warhammer40k
I hope so! Let's see how it will be in practice.

[–] 3 points 6 months ago (1 children)

@RudeOnTuesdays @Marduk73
I have played OPR before, but only the 40k variant and not the Killteam variant.

There are some things I love about it, but some other things that I found a bit too simplified and hurting immersion, e.g. WS and BS being the same on all units...
IIRC there is no shooting and melee-ing in the same activation, which makes the default Chaos 40k gear choices quite bad in OPR.

AND armies tend to be a lot smaller (which can also be good, I guess).

[–] 2 points 6 months ago (1 children)

@rollleafd @warhammer40k
It seems similar to "Legends" in #Warhammer40k, i.e. there will be official-inofficial datasheets for a while, but they will quickly become unbalanced, not follow bigger rule changes and thus become unusable—unless you play by older rules entirely, which you also don't want because one of the players likely has a new team that didn't have rules before.


Oh, great, so 3 of my 4 Kill teams will only be properly supported for one more year:

Why does game-workshop have to games-workshop everything that people like 😠

#WarhammerCommnity #Warhammer @warhammer40k

@setsneedtofeed @warhammer40k

I had hoped it would be 2vs2...

Thought the same thing after I had done the hair 😄


Beware of the guy who has many mouths to feed 😬

#WarhammerCommunity #WarHamFam #Nurgle @warhammer40k

@warhammer40k Thank you! The models are amazing... but also a lot of work 🙈


Finally finished one of my Gellerpox Infected!

#PaintingWarhammer #WarhammerCommunity @warhammer40k #chaos40k #Nurgle


My first Killteam in ages: an epic battle between Traitor Guards (me) against loyalist veteran guards ( @AdmGeekington )

#WarhammerCommunity #Killteam #WarHamFam @warhammer40k

@warhammer40k Don't know the original author and was only able to subscribe by using google translate.

I just want the guy/girl/… to make more nice Ork models for my army 🤷

I wish I were getting anything for this "promotion effort" 😆


I have subscribed to OrcsKrazy:

The monthly fee is less than 2€ / 2$, and the person is putting out some really great Orc models.
Just saying.

#WarhammerCommunity #PrintedWarhammer #PrintingMinis #Orks

@warhammer40k @3dprintedminis

[–] 1 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

@itsJoelle @thatdamnelf @warhammer40k
Rules change super often and whatever you think you are building up to, probably won't work out in the end.

Buy the minis that you enjoy painting, as that will take up most of the time anyway. For a long time you will be playing with "everything you got", and sometime later you will accumulate enough minis to select the best according to some strategy. But till then just do what is the most fun!

@grandfunk @warhammer40k Thanks! Sounds like a plan, ping me when it's done!

The colour I am using is GameColor Fluo Green, but you need to mix with some white and some medium to get a proper consistency.


This is my #WIPWednesday miniature for you. With low ambient light but fancy black-light, you don't see how much still needs to be done 🙃

#WarhammerCommunity #WarHamFam @warhammer40k


The next bigger project of mine is no one less than the Despoiler himself!

In this case, an alternative model by TaintedWindmill that I 3d-printed. Really love this one!

Although it isn't Heroic Scale, it feels "older" to me, especially with the head area being more reminiscent of Horus.

I might go with a Sons-Of-Horus inspired paint-scheme... what do you think?

#WarhammerCommunity #WarHamFam #PrintedWarhammer #3Dprinting
@warhammer40k @3dprinting @3dprintedgaming

[–] 2 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago)

@warhammer40k @oldhammer

There are currently two open issues that could improve the experience notably:

If you have a Github account, feel free to leave a 👍 there. Maybe that will help prioritise these.

submitted 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) by to c/

Heads up / Interop with Lemmy

I recently learned that you can subscribe to the timeline of a Lemmy instance from Mastodon (not just individual Lemmy users)!

So you can subscribe directly to:


And help the Warhammer Fedi grow together!

#WarhammerCommunity #WarHamFam #Mastodon #Lemmy #Fediverse

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