@willaful I started KJ Charles's _An Unnatural Vice_, second in the Sins of the City trilogy (which I've had in the TBR for seven years, as I hoard her backlist for hard times). And then I immediately started the third and last in the trilogy, because of course once that door was opened, there was no shutting it close again.
joined 5 years ago
@willaful I finished _Murder in Belgravia_, by Lynn Brittney; very much a historical procedural, set in Edwardian London. Read it in one long gulp, and now I'm struggling to write the review. Positive: a lot of historical fact woven into the narrative in ways that make sense. Negative: setting up a love triangle for the series, and a slight tendency towards exposition..
@willaful there are more than one, but the one that jumped from the depths of my brain is the last of Nora Roberts' Chesapeake Bay books--the sotry of Seth, the child in the first three, is retconned in really asinine ways, and the character in that book has zero to do with the character in the first three.