For that pun you can fucking bee-low me.
You clearly like the taste of your own dick. Maybe your shit opinion is only worth two cents but mine is clearly worth AT LEAST NINE DOLLARS AND EIGHTY THREE CENTS so eat a bag of goat balls.
Yes, shithead, the IT professionals tasked with setting up government computers do in fact know how to install a fucking browser extension.
You're actually a goddamn moron.
Fuck yourself in the dick with a 3d printed dick.
The issue, you asstarded fucknozzle is that FUCKING NONE OF THAT SHIT should require registration with a FEDERAL FUCKING GOVERNMENT YOU BOOTLICKING BITCH except the drones because those actually operate in Federal airspace, at least here in the US and it's no different from being licensed by the Federal government to be a pilot.
I give zero shits about guns. Morons like you, on the other hand, are actually fucking dangerous.
It’s kinda a lot more difficult to build a proper rifle with old fashioned tools. You need a workshop and quite some money for that stuff.
It's kind of not, and you don't. You're still reliant on metal for any actual parts involved in the firing process. You still cannot 3d print a barrel you want to use more than once or with any sort of accuracy.
Oh, and actually quite some knowledge if you want to get something that actually works more than once and shoots straight.
Right, which is why 3d printers aren't that gr... oh, wait, you thought you were talking about milling machines. Nah dude, 3d printers are a fucking whore and a bitch to get good parts off of. They're finicky as shit. You can EASILY have a 30 hour long print shit itself at the last minute and render the whole thing unusable. It doesn't matter what kind of printer you're using, it WILL wreck your life at some point. Unless, of course, you're using a six-figure production machine at which point your entire money argument gets skullfucked.
And did I mention that this stuff is expensive?
No, it isn't. You can get a mill for under a grand if you look around. Hell, find the right old timer looking to get rid of his gear and you'll probably get some good tools as well. Not that this matter, because when you're trying to improvise weapons A FUCKING DRILL PRESS is more than enough to get the job done for most operations. Whatever your shop is doesn't goddamn matter when the gun only has to operate for a handful of shots.
I know, because I have such a fancy workshop.
Well obviously you're a fucking terrorist and need to register all of your tools. Mills, lathes, any sort of welding or sheet metal equipment, all of this can be used in the manufacture of firearms and since you're piss-pants bitchass scared of plastic I can only assume that extends to the ability to manufacture real live firearms, right?
RIGHT? YA FUCKING BRAINDEAD HYPOCRITE? You going to register your fucking mill with the government so they know you aren't a terrorist? ARE YOU NOW OR HAVE YOU EVER BEEN A MEMBER OF THE COMMUNIST PARTY?
I’d gladly be on a list of 3D printer owners, just for those Nazi fucks to have another obstacle and another “contact point” with authorities where they can be caught.
That's because you're a moron.
Here's your gold star, 3d printer boy, please board the train and don't cry too much.
Would you feel safer if all 3d printer owners printed out a yellow star to wear on their lapels?
Moronic "But MUH FEEEEEEEELZ" horseshit has no place in an intelligent society. You have to be an absolute goatfucking moron to think that a fucking 3d printer makes you less safe.
What next, you going to learn that a belt sander is just a MINIATURE KNIFE FACTORY?
Fuckin' Mentos and Coke MAKING IMPROVISED EXPLOSIVES>!??!?
Are you aware that milling machines exist, are on the civilian market, and have been for decades without issue?
Then why are you doing the dumb, you bootlicking cunt?
"We need a database of all those EEEEEVILLLLL ~~COMMIES, BLACKS, AND JEWS~~ 3d printer users!"
Fuck off.
There are idiots that will try, but it will then be pointed out that milling machines fucking exist and have for decades without being an issue.
And I'm 100% certain I can get more useful parts out of a milling machine than a 3d printer.
kicks his stupid fucking Photon
That will absolutely include government accounts.
Google would get instagibbed.
Nah, not dumb at all. YouTube's being super dicks about it but the uBlock Origin team seems to only be about half a tick behind with getting updates out.
Or a job. EVE seems to be populated primarily by oil barons and trust fund kiddies.