"Reality has a well-known liberal bias." - Stephen Colbert
This is some serious wharrgarbl. Doesn't anyone moderate this kind of literary trash?
I'd rather use Edge than Chrome.
But basically screw everything except Firefox at this point!
Do people not know what "bricking" means? This article is about HP disabling features if the printer runs out of ink.
If they bricked it, it would be unrecoverably broken, never to function again.
Fix It Again Tony!
Don't worry everyone. The free market will take care of this for sure! Deregulated private companies always have the best interests of the consumers at heart!
Good. Fuck landlords, and especially Airbnb landlords. Hopefully other cities will follow suit.
"I'm getting down voted so this site is terrible and everyone on it is an idiot. There is no chance that my position was interpreted incorrectly, I missed the point, or I am wrong - it's obviously everyone else".
Great we're posting links to The Sun now?
God this kind of news is so trite. Post again when it's a tech bro deciding to go for a submersible ride.
I had to give my head an actual shake - this can't be a real comment. A normal, sentient human would not produce a sentence like this unironically.
The only explanation I can come up with is the OP is a first-year economics student.