Yup, luckily in my case I got into amateur chemistry (tysm sciencemadness) but it pained me to see my friends not actually knowing anything and just memorizing everything by the letter
"The only difference between screwing around and science is writing it down"
it is, but the graph is referring to pure caffeine, which (unless you crush up pills and do lines of it) is in minimal amounts in coffee
Maybe it was over last November when people decided that allowing a twice impeached fascist felon dictator to hold the highest office was an acceptable result as long as a thousand+ year turf scrabble between two theologically opposed peoples on the other side of the fucking planet remained unresolved?
Its even funnier because trump made the Gaza situation even worse, and back when the elections hadn't started I posted a meme about it on hexbear and everyone went "muh Gaza" (i tried writing shit but it gets deleted by the mods immediatly, so much for "free speech" and anarchism lmao)
aight I banged by head enough times, I only found this bit from a similar washing machine which you probably already tried
I know you probably searched everywhere for any manual but my head wants to bang itself against a wall, so can you please say the model?
First of all, sorry for the harsh response, I was in a hurry and I probably passed off as a dickhead
secondly tho, from the video you sent yourself at 9:43 "Nitromethane, all by itself, is a high explosive, but it is so inert, it's almost impossible to set it off"
And that's what I (probably in a bad way) implied in my first message, nitromethane requires to be sensitized with something like ammonium nitrate (to make ANNM) or with ethylene diammine (to make PLX) (or really with any basic substance, even sodium hydroxide you get as a drain cleaner can work, but it gets too sensible and can detonate on its own while you work on it)
Here's another video that shows nitromethane just plainly burning
Nitromethane doesn't explode on it's own under normal conditions
It's not like they can rely of self sufficient solar panels, they just lobbied them out of existance with climate change denial
That's not balanced though
4 CH~3~NO~2~ + O~2~ → 4 CO + 6 H~2~O + 2 N~2~
also, why are we burning nitromethane?
That's why I keep my backups on the sd card in my Raspberry pi
hplc ftw