Lead for "ingredient X" is too spot on, made me chuckle.
My gut feeling is the previous therapist(s) said something along the lines of "It's not you, it's me."
To your first point, the droids in question do seem to follow the "easy designations" as you put it. In fact, they are often referred to in the film by them. Examples: Luke often refers to R2-D2 as just R2. And C-3PO as 3PO.
I still don't buy into the notion that these were unique "names" at all and not "model numbers" though, but thanks for the discussion.
If C-3PO is a 3PO series protocol droid, I would find it hard to believe that only 26 (36)? were ever made and each one had a unique name. R2 is an R2 series astromech droid. I would plead a similar case there as well. Especially given the probable number of astromechs built/needed.
So yes. Yes is what I am reading. The designations are more like generic "make/model" numbers and not unique "serial" numbers or names. Thanks for the reply!
I am not sure each droid has a unique name. Are the designations basically not a model number? I.e. there are many c-3po and r2-d2 running around.
This is why if a service cannot be used in a hardened browser, I usually pass.
I am okay-ish about a service collecting some of the data I generate while using the service, but not much beyond that.
If the system was muted, and I saw two vertical lines I would assume that meant "press here to pause." The state of "the thing" to me has nothing to do with the symbol on the button.
How would you then, reconsile the the state of "the thing"on system that had individual buttons for functions such as play/pause/fast forward/rewind/record/eject/etc? Would the thing be playing and paused at the same time?
If the service is poor, I still leave a tip. A nickel ($0.05) is usually enough to let them know that you did not forget to tip, and that you felt $0.05 was all their poor service was worth.
The post appears to have been edited. It originally said something like "Everyone subconsciously associates..." Key word being Everyone, which seems to have been corrected so kudos to the OP.
So on to your point no, I do not think so. Please read again.
I spent most of my money on booze, fdm printing, and video games. The rest of it I wasted.