I want to support tuxedo, as an European brand, but the last one I bought had such a shitty screen that got worse and worse over the years. They seem to have improved the hardware somewhat but the experience left a bad taste in my mouth.
Sure, but I have accumulated far too many over the years to do this... Some channels post a video per year, others 5 per week.
My subscriptions feed is not useful because just because I'm subscribed, doesn't mean I want to watch all videos from that channel. But you can just dismiss new videos like in n email inbox.
I've been thinking for a long time to get a list of all rss feeds of my subscriptions but I never got around to do that. Wish there was a tool to do that for me 🥹
At some point I was really disillusioned by YouTube and I tried really hard to curate a list of interested channels. But YouTube fought extremely hard against users interests and completely broke YouTube. I have several subscriptions that get buried and forgotten because YouTube refuses to recommend them to me.
The solution would be simple, an inbox of videos, rss style. But that's not in YouTube's interest.
True but at the dawn of computing we were too naïve. We couldn't imagine people would record everything.
Yup. I've never seen it before. A toast oven that is also a microwave. But instead of a dial to select the mode, you have to go through a touch menu 🤮
I actually have some custom made Firefox user style that makes it look like arc :)
Eh. The Internet is too full of useless crap thst costs energy to keep alive. No one needs endless swathes of boring videos. If there are some valuable recordings there, then they can preserve those.
I briefly rented an apartment with a microwave that was also a toast oven. Grandet, it had a dumb, slow, digital screen to control. But it was really nice inside. There was no turn table but still heated everything evenly, and due to its size, it was much more efficient that a normal oven at baking. The door also opened forward like an oven.
That is to say, I agree with you thst I want a dumb dial, but there are some nice features out there that I wouldn't mind having.
Relatively speaking, it's pretty active. Just not in the grand scheme of things. I've been putting off trying it out, but you just might have given me the push I need.
Rather sad about discord yeah.
I thought this was like Hello Fresh, but it's pre-made frozen meals instead.
Yes, absolutely, but we also preserve everything because separating the wheat from the chaff is too much work. For example, most people store all the pictures they take because it's easier than selecting the ones we might want later. But we kmow some of them are useless.