Let’s just do ourselves a favor and support the SEC law suits against Musk. Then let’s investigate how he actually runs his companies and throw him in prison or sue him into the poor house. Shit bags like that weirdo need to get slapped down to nothingness. And it’s our job to support the government agencies that can do that. Stop his degenerate sideways talk.
joined 1 year ago
Keep the Clintons at home please.
This is real af. I managed 3 chain restaurants and never checked nor cared. Hourly for servers was $2.15 at the time. Probably the same now. Fuck the restaurant industry. Especially chain restaurants. Their food is basically poison, it’s all Sysco crap food (even the “upscale” restaurants. Spoiler alert.
Such a fitting song though because his campaign, and life, are sinking just like the Titanic.
The Heritage Foundation and AIPAC are going to be revealed as religious terrorist organizations I bet.
They put Bethesda to shame, which isn’t hard but still they did a great job with this.
How many doses and mimosas has she had today?
The Paypal Mafia.
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Netanyahu is a criminal and a failed leader for Israel. Get rid of him and your problems are fixed.