
joined 2 months ago
[–] just_curious@lemm.ee -3 points 2 months ago

Thanks for the links but both of these are down at the moment.

[–] just_curious@lemm.ee -2 points 2 months ago (1 children)

I don't really know what happens but I'm pretty sure it doesn't go through.

[–] just_curious@lemm.ee 3 points 2 months ago (1 children)

I texted him from a different number

[–] just_curious@lemm.ee -3 points 2 months ago

You don't know a single thing about me or that situation, and don't act like you or anyone else is perfect in all matters of personal life.

[–] just_curious@lemm.ee 4 points 2 months ago

I brought up that I saw a house I liked and he hyped me up for it, so I started looking. Like I said, I don't have many other people to ask for help moving so it made the idea a little less overwhelming. I'm not saying he's the only reason I bought a house, just that it was a factor in my decision that he'd probably be around to help.

Red flag behavior would be omitting things that make me look bad, so I'm glad to know I portrayed both sides fairly :)


Here's the story: I (24 F) was in a non-committal fwb "relationship", I guess you can call it, with this guy (23 M) where we were seeing each other multiple times a week and hanging out, going on dates, sleeping together all summer, but never really discussed what it was. Which is fine. I wasn't really that crazy about him tbh, he was kind of disrespectful of my political views (I'm a leftist, he's a hyper lib and "immune to propaganda cause we have freedom of the press"... lol), he was also pretty bad at sex, but I don't really know what I want anyways and I'm just happy to have someone's company for the time being. We met in July and he broke things off in October.

The reason he initially broke things off is because his life started to get busier and I was clearly just not a priority for him. He got a job, lives in an apartment with his friends who want to do stuff with him at least once a week (standing appointment on Mondays), his dad's pretty active in his life, he has dinner with his mom and sisters every Sunday at 5, and he uses any time in-between to go to the gym. This wouldn't have been problem except that I worked Mon-Fri and he worked Tues-Sat, and Sunday dinner was non-negotiable for him, leaving us with no real time to spend together. I tell him on a given Sunday, "mom and sisters will survive if you have to miss dinner every once in a while" and followed by radio silence until he sends me this text, at 1pm the following Tuesday:


Hey, I apologize if you've felt like I've led you on. I'm at a pretty busy point in my life where I have a lot of people around me and I'm sorry I can't spend more time with you, I did enjoy the time we spent together and I really did like getting to know you. Thanks for introducing me to your life, but I'm breaking things off."

Ok... not sure where you Fwd'd that from. Kinda disrespectful to do this over text, out of the blue, during the work day, two days after our last communication, and the implications of "sorry if I led you on" in a "breaking things off" text is kinda gaslighty and gets under my skin, but whatever. Again, not that crazy about him. We were just spending time together. We could have totally negotiated or broke things off mutually if he had told me what the deal was.

There's just one hitch: I just bought a home and I was counting on him to help me move out of my apartment. I don't really have anyone else in my life I would ask for that kind of help and probably wouldn't have even gone looking for a home if it weren't for him being available to help and hype me up for it. So I asked him and offered to pay him, he agreed and said I wouldn't need to do that.

So fast forward a month, moving day comes, we haven't talked at all besides coordinating the day. He brought a joint for us to smoke at some point, and he's talking about how we can do this and that together around my new place, so I have to ask "...do you still want to hang out then?" and he says "yeah, if you still want to"... Ok... you don't really break up over text with someone you want to keep seeing but whatever, boys are dumb, I'll proceed with caution. He was really helpful at managing things during the move; I have ADHD so I was super grateful to let him handle the executive functioning parts, especially being exhausted from painting all week on top of my full time job.

I got lunch for us both, my treat, and we got maybe 60% through moving all my stuff, until 7pm rolls around. I'm really aching to take a break at this point and just hang out for a while, maybe smoke that joint. He says "Sorry, I have to go, they're having this this thing for food service workers (his line of work) in [city he lives in], I just got all these texts from my friends and they've been begging me all week." So now I'm left staring at this big pile of stuff in my walk-in basement where we dropped it all, I'm barely more than halfway out of my apartment, and I get kind of emotional cause I don't have many people to call for help with the rest of it plus all the home improvement stuff that is also in progress, which I can do myself but would go by a lot faster with another person around.

Also, am I not a friend? This wasn't the first time he's made me feel I was less important to him than all of the other people in his life... and any of those times he could have invited me along if he really wanted to see me. He didn't tell me ahead of time that he had a hard stop, he just picked up his phone and saw all the texts from his friends and decided on the spot to ditch me. I was only asking for one day out of the month since we last spoke, he was just talking up all the stuff we could do together and even mentioned how he'd worked as a painter in the past. Also, I don't know about anyone else, but I've never had friends that were ever around that much when we lived together, much less would drop whatever else they were doing cause I asked them to, or expected me to do so. Must be nice though.

We go return the U-Haul I rented, I drive him back to his car, we hug goodbye and he says "let me know if you need any help with anything", I thank him for his help and we part ways.

The next week I text him, "Hey I'll probably be painting and/or unpacking on Monday if u wanna come by and help again"

No response.

The next day I call him, straight to voicemail. Wait a week, call again, same thing, so he must have blocked my number.

Don't know why, he could have just said he didn't want to help me or hang out again and I would have been fine with it. Maybe his friends got to him? There was one girl I could tell didn't really like me. But then there was his guy friend that basically called him a womanizer in front of me. These are the two people he lives with. So there's that.

It's a couple weeks later now and I just found out from my gyno that I have chlamydia and I need to take antibiotics to treat it. Don't really know who gave it to the other, he slept with at least one other girl while we were seeing each other but I hadn't been tested in a while and there was a guy I slept with before him (who fucking broke me for a while btw and blocked me on everything but that's a story for another time) who was kind of sleazy. I feel a responsibility to other women he could sleep with, but I have no way to personally contact this dude. He has a really generic name and all I have of his are his phone number (blocked), his home address, and where he works. I could go knock on his door, but it's a 40 minute drive and he might not even be there. I have half a mind to just call his work in the morning and have whoever picks up let him know the news, since he's made it clear he doesn't want to ever talk to me or see me again and was just plain disrespectful about it. Is this too far?