
joined 2 years ago
[–] k1jst@lemmy.radio 1 points 2 years ago

Nice setup!

I love thin clients but I prefer to use them as Linux workstations or servers for ham radio. I find Windows 10 unbearably slow with less than 8GB of RAM, but I'm also the guy who has 50 tabs open.

Also, off lease Dell and HP micro desktops work well for a lot of things. I've got some running Allstarlink and a few of them running my home Proxmox cluster. The power connection is not as ham friendly though.

[–] k1jst@lemmy.radio 1 points 2 years ago

They've been doing this on a STA for some time now and there have been no interference complaints. It's a not a big deal now, but could lead to other industries wanting to do the same thing. Could turn into something to worry about at some point.

[–] k1jst@lemmy.radio 2 points 2 years ago

I was able to copy KPH before and after the enigma transmission but not during. I was disappointed.

[–] k1jst@lemmy.radio 4 points 2 years ago

I am not one to chit chat. I listen mostly and occasionally dust off the microphone when I have something interesting to add to the discussion. I also go out of my way to say hi and welcome to a new voice on the local radio repeaters, and make sure they know the local radio resources to find out what's happening in our area.

Amateur Radio is a vibrant community with a lot of really genuine people interested in the many different aspects of radio. Some people (like myself) enjoy building radio networks/infrastructure and doing projects that enhance our community resilience or our ability to communicate. Others like building radios themselves, or antennas, or go boxes, or a lot of other things.

Then there are the plethora of other things you can do with amateur radio:

  • communicate locally with little or no infrastructure
  • communicate around the world with no infrastructure (all you really need is a radio, a bit of feedline and a wire antenna to talk around the world)
  • explore the radio spectrum
  • compete in radio contests
  • participate in radio events
  • experiment with electronics
  • community service/emergency communications
  • learn/teach STEM through hands on experience

The most rewarding experiences I have in amateur radio are working with other local amateurs towards a common goal. People from a wide variety of backgrounds that all bring different skillsets and knowledge to the table that all gets combined to create some magic. It's really fun.