
joined 17 hours ago
[–] kane@femboys.biz 2 points 2 hours ago

I do not entirely agree.

While what you said might be true for content that we post, things like view history and tracking in itself is much more difficult. That meta data does help with tagging content.

[–] kane@femboys.biz 1 points 6 hours ago

“De Fabertjeskrant”-strikes again!

[–] kane@femboys.biz 2 points 7 hours ago

Voor mij werkt de zoekmachine (Google) nog steeds het beste, en snelst. Al eens geprobeerd om SearXNG te gebruiken maar dat vond ik toch niet zo fijn.

Moet eigenlijk wel eens weer andere proberen denk ik, zal vooral wennen zijn uiteindelijk.

[–] kane@femboys.biz 1 points 7 hours ago

Something like DigitalOcean or Hetzner will set you back a max of 10 euros a month. But that does require some technical know how with a terminal.

Would that suffice, or are you looking for something more ‘UI Based’ that will manage it for you?

[–] kane@femboys.biz 1 points 7 hours ago (1 children)

Don’t really have a recommendation about which, but I do about how.

For repositories that I deem important, either for practical or nostalgia reasons, I use Gitea to keep an up to date clone. I believe most self hosted Git solutions offer a similar functionality, like Gitlab has one too that I’m aware of.

[–] kane@femboys.biz 3 points 9 hours ago (3 children)

Een klein beetje wel en niet, want ik vind het lastig om ‘Amerika’ de ‘schuld’ te geven wanneer er zoveel inwoners zijn.

Echter ben ik wel kritischer geworden in mijn eigen vrijheid, zoals bijvoorbeeld stoppen met regulier sociale netwerken die vooral beheerd worden door Amerikaanse bedrijven.

YouTube en Google gaan bijvoorbeeld wel lastig worden voor mij.

[–] kane@femboys.biz 5 points 12 hours ago (1 children)

There are providers that do not provide you your own IPv4 address, with a feature called "CGNAT". Often, they will then block you from port-forwarding altogether.

[–] kane@femboys.biz 2 points 13 hours ago

I thought after s2 of Discovery, something exactly like that was already a thing?

Or am I misremembering, it’s been a while.

[–] kane@femboys.biz 2 points 13 hours ago (1 children)

That’s a very good shout, I wasn’t aware there are pre existing lists. That’s a great step, and definitely one I will look to add to my own instance.

[–] kane@femboys.biz 6 points 13 hours ago (8 children)

My worry is that these social media alternatives might get scraped by these AI companies as well.

Sure, a company handing it over is much easier (i.e. Reddit). But with the decentralized nature, everyone needs to protect their instances themselves, which I’m not sure how well everyone will be capable of doing that.

Definitely much more difficult, so it’s a step in the right direction.

[–] kane@femboys.biz 12 points 13 hours ago (1 children)

This is the primary reason I've not given agents more power than something extremely controlled (I.e. only a function to turn on/off the lights). As I was always concerned that these generational models might accidentally do something dumb or annoying, let alone something that might be illegal or harmful.

I don't really see how anyone would ask AI to complete something completely autonomously at this stage, without oversight.

[–] kane@femboys.biz -1 points 15 hours ago

That would be awesome!!

We then know exactly what products to buy because America first! Trump is doing an awesome job and he should really go through with this idea. Maybe if someone tells him privately, then he can say he thought of it.

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