
joined 2 years ago
[–] 1 points 2 years ago

I got impatient and just did the whole expedition again making sure to make a beeline for the creature transcendant posted.

[–] 1 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (1 children)

It’s not in the analysis visor info. You can only see these values if it’s a record, then it gets recorded to the wonders section in the pause menu.

Also, if you select the milestone as your current mission it will show you your current record in the bottom right of the HUD.

[–] 2 points 2 years ago (1 children)

The pirates always follow you, so just fly a bit further away from the freighter and they’ll follow and won’t be able to duck in and out the freighter shields.

[–] 1 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (7 children)

After doing some searching around it seems that unfortunately the ph level milestone is bugged.

The milestone and wonders page is actually tracking the highest ph instead of the lowest ph. I can confirm this with my own experience, my lowest ph was 3.6, I scanned another animal and got a message saying new record low but the ph level went UP to 4.2. I then scanned another animal and got the message again saying new record low and the ph level went up again to 4.3.

The only way to get this milestone done at the moment is to make sure that the very first animal you scan on a toxic planet has a ph below 2.5, otherwise you’re screwed. Hopefully they’ll patch this at some point.

I’ve seen ppl encountering this bug on xbox, PlayStation and PC, don’t know about switch but I would assume they have the bug too. Apparently if you’re on PC you can use a save editor to reset the wonder and then go to a planet where you know there is an animal with a ph below 2.5 and scan it first. Not tried that myself as I’m on Xbox.

[–] 1 points 2 years ago

Oh you absolute legend!

I started playing at 12pm today and finally gave up at 6pm. 6 hours! I must have visited more than 50 systems without finding a suitable planet.

[–] 1 points 2 years ago (3 children)

No. That and finding a hostile planet are the only 2 things I have left to do. I’ve visited dozens and dozens of systems.

Let me know if you find either of those.

[–] 9 points 2 years ago

Thank you for that information.

[–] 2 points 2 years ago (3 children)

More bad news: I had a go at this earlier and flying straight into the freighters hangar and ignoring the battle is bugged. If you try to land in the freighter without killing all the pirates first the whole freighter fleet and all the ships involved in the battle simply vanish in to thin air. Hopefully that one will get fixed at some point.

So right now that means you have to finish the battle each time before you can even see what class the freighter is which will add significantly more time to your search.

[–] 5 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (5 children)

Well I can tell you what I know but it is certainly possible that the latest update has changed everything. I haven’t tried getting a freighter since the update. The fact that there is now a chance to encounter a pirate freighter definitely mixes things up… I don’t know how that might affect things though.

It used to be that you’d play until you encountered a freighter battle then load up your previous restore point so you know that next time you warp you’re going to encounter a freighter battle. You could then go to the galaxy map and select a star system, warp in, take a look at the capital freighter and decide if it’s one you like. If not, reload your restore point and choose another star system (each star system has its own capital freighter that never changes).

It’s best to choose 3 star economy systems or pirate systems when looking for a freighter. As I remember, a 3 star system has a 2% chance of spawning an S class freighter, that’s a one in 50 chance so you may have to do a lot of reloading until you get S class. Pirate systems have a better chance of S class at 5% but the freighters will have less cargo slots so you’ll need to spend more time upgrading their storage. 2 star economies only have a 1% chance of S class and 1 star economies cannot spawn an S class.

Once you find a freighter you like just keep reloading your previous save until it spawns as S class. Now, I always do it by just reloading my save and then warping in to the system, but apparently you can warp in to the system, land at the space station, exit your ship to create a new restore point and then use that restore point to keep loading from. So you’d load up that restore point, fly out the space station and the freighter battle should still be there.

To check the freighter you can ignore the battle and just fly straight in to the freighters landing bay. Exit your ship (this doesn’t create a new restore point as a save isn’t made on npc freighters) bring up your scanner and look at the floor/wall/whatever of the landing bay and it will give you the freighter info including it’s class, no need to go up to the bridge. If it’s not S class, reload your restore point and try again.

That’s how it used to work anyway. I don’t know if you can just ignore the battle anymore and fly straight in to the hangar.

[–] 2 points 2 years ago

I cannot deny there is a sense of satisfaction that comes from using rockets.

[–] 18 points 2 years ago* (last edited 2 years ago) (4 children)

Infra knife goes brrrr.

Seriously though, it’s the only weapon I have installed on all my ships. It rips through shields and ship hulls.

I always upgrade it with S class modules at first then hunt for decent X class ones.

[–] 2 points 2 years ago

Your 3 languages put my 1 to shame.

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