
joined 2 years ago
[–] 14 points 1 year ago

It has already been said but the company is complying in the sense that it is providing a solution whereby you can delete your account. That said, where you are unable to follow that process, they should offer you the same ability via email. Each company does things slightly differently but I would hazard a guess that an email stating that you find it more reasonable for the action to be carried out via email, they would be likely to comply.

The reasons why companies put these in place is simply to avoid mass requests for deletion and, as stated, to also protect you.

While email spoofing has been mentioned, it is somewhat unlikely anyone would send a request for deletion after spoofing your email, yet, it is not impossible.

You may have to be persistent, could use services that support or even get some pointers from the ICO. Here is a really good link

I wish you luck

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

A Synology NAS would be a good shout if you don't mind the self hosting and maintenance route. That said, I also have an Infomaniak kDrive setup for my cloud backup. With that I have my email, calendar, drive space and it even offers an office suite in the cloud.

It may not have all the bells and whistles you get with Microsoft Office but, for me, it certainly does the trick.


I read the linked post and it got me thinking of a lot of the posts I typically see around Linux. Most of them that are seeking support are very distro focussed; what is the best distro for this, what distro should I choose, etc.

The post I have linked shifts the focus to a clear use case putting the distro element in the background. I found this more useful, as I think, for the most part, the 'right distro' is subjective. What works for one person may not be right for another based on so many factors.

So, I wondered if anyone has any really interesting use cases around Linux. Especially those that can debunk the idea that you cannot do this, that and the other on Linux. Anyone using an audio production setup, has a video development suite or runs visual graphic design from Linux or, do you just have the gaming rig nailed down!

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

The first one is definately the best one in terms of the overall feel of the game and storyline. Both the 2nd and 3rd games are good and have elements of story continuation in them. On the 3rd one though, parts of the story did not keep me hooked and I did not feel invested in the character arch as much as the others. For me, great games, new and old, must have:

  • A compelling storyline
  • A believable or even relatable character arch
  • Consistency throughout so the story flows

Graphics are not the most important thing in any way. I want to feel immersed.

Feel that went on a little tangent them but you get what I mean (hopefully).

[–] 4 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I bought and finished the Mafia Trilogy a month ago. Forgot how good it was. I have since been playing Starfield so nothing else complete for a while I would think.

[–] 8 points 1 year ago (1 children)

While I have loved the innovation of Sony over the years, this one is a little odd. If Sony had thought about this, they would have realised that most people these days already have a viable handheld device, a smartphone. Microsoft got that one right by making remote play work so well on most mobile devices with connection to a pad. I just feel Sony should have done the same.

That said, I get there are some benefits if you have a shared screen and cannot always get on your PS5 but is that worth the money? I am not too sure.

Still, this is the early days and Sony will likely have a bigger vision for it. I mean, being able to connect to any network and play games remotely would be a huge step.

[–] 10 points 1 year ago

A number of games over the years have had that. The only one I witnessed myself (and feel is was more the console release) was Halo. I attended a midnight launch and that was just crazy. I was also working for a retailer at the time of the original Modern Warfare launch which was pretty hectic. We had some people that had be queuing for nearly 7 hours.

Others have been the release of the Wii and the PlayStation 3 which I was also present for.

After the Xbox escapade, I vowed never to bother with those releases but just ended up working for a retailer where it was part of my job.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

Hi, my bad on the 'family' reference. It is the 'teams' package that I use, I just use it for my family. Like I mentioned before though, it is far more cost effective than the kSuite, which is targeted at businesses.

As for the transferring for data, this is possible via a feature in kDrive. It is capable of transferring from a number of cloud storage services, including OneDrive. You can get more info on that here:

I still have my OneDrive at the moment but aim to close this down. I use my Synology to synchronise the data between kDrive, OneDrive and my Synology for data safety. (Yes, this is overkill) I will eventually remove OneDrive from that as I get a better home cloud setup in place.

[–] 5 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I have been using Infomaniak services for a few years now. I have my email with them, several domains and use Kdrive almost exclusively these days. Talking about Kdrive specifically, it is fast and has all the typical features you would expect from these types of services. The cloud side with the office integration is really good too.

If anything, the only negative I can find at the moment is that the app does not offer a lite mode (download as you need) feature for Linux so you have to download everything. That said, it does offer a WebDav feature which integrates well.

As for the kSuite, I would say you only need that if you are using it for business. Otherwise the solo or family package would suffice. I have kSuite too and it has some additional features but nothing you would need as an individual.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Not quite. They are network linked through Tailscale but typically running through a Mullvad VPN exit node. The NextDNS is baked into Tailscale too.

This gives me access to my home devices (including self hosted services, etc.) from out and about on the secure Tailscale network and connect to the Internet through a Mullvad VPN connection but that is further supported by the NextDNS which ensure devices are blocked from ads, trackers, telemetry, etc.

I only chose this route because I want an easy way to manage my whole network of connected devices without having to do a setup on each one individually.

Don't get me wrong, there may be a better way but this has just worked well for me.

[–] 4 points 1 year ago (3 children)

I have a stack in place built around Tailscale. I mean, this may not be the best route but, hey, it works for me.

So I have Tailscale running across my devices. Within Tailscale, I have enabled Mullvad Exit Nodes for some privacy control. Then I have overridden the default DNS setting with NextDNS.

Within NextDNS I have a standard profile with some ad and telemetry blocking which is typically for the family devices and then I have a disgustingly pimped up profile for my main devices with a hell of a lot blocked, including domains that I do not care for (facebook for example).

The pros are that I can control all connections easier, even when out of my home network. That said, it takes some setting up to ensure I don't bork connections. And, yes, I learnt that the hard way when I blocked all 'meta' tools across my whole network and the kids lost it!

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

I did the classic, jump in at the deep end approach, and ended up with some distro hoping for a while. I then settled on Fedora.

Why? It did everything I wanted to do and did it well. I found some distro so easy to setup but harder to maintain, some really slick but problematic with updates and apps. Fedora, for me, just worked.

All that said, there are various factors to consider, including your hardware configuration. Some distro just happen to work better on some hardware specs, especially when considering your graphics.

I have a similar usage to you, covering a little bit of everything including gaming and dev and, so far, everything continues to work. So much so, I am thinking of switching my gaming rig over to Fedora in the coming weeks.

[–] 3 points 1 year ago

Wow... so many choices. Skyrim is a great shout.

I remember hearing the Halo soundtrack for the first time was incredible so feel I have to go with that.

Other worthy mentions:

  • Street Fighter II
  • Civilization (theme tune to be fair)
  • Horizon

I went to see this talk yesterday, and while I have seen Emma Kenny in many documentaries over the years, I have never attended a true crime talk. I can safely say, it did not disappoint.

It was clear and consice and not fluffy like you find with many documentaries these days (talking to you Netflix)

It covered the psychology of a serial killer and covered several from across the USA and UK. No surprise to myself that I had heard of all of them... all except one that was... the name echoed out... "David Parker Ray" (AKA The Toybox Killer) and, man, is this guy something else. Rarely am I shocked by true crime, but everything about him was next level chilling. Especially when his "introduction" recordings were played.

These things are not for the faint of heart, and it was great to see a room full of enthusiasts. A great evening all round.


There is a great topic currently underway around the best UK coffee roasters.


I have not always had an interest in data privacy. Actually, it took me moving in to being a data engineer in the marketing world to really realise the intense nature of data capture.

Like, I am sure, a large proprotion of the privacy aware population, it is not that there is anything to hide, just that privacy of data should be a right. It is one of the reasons I stepped away from most social networks, try to de-Google as much as I can and take care in my data landscape.

But, how does everyone else manage theirs? It would be good to share some useful tips, resources, tools, etc. that the wider community (as it grows) can use.

For me, I use:

  • A VPN (Mullvad in this case)
  • Firefox with 'some' hardening (don't want to totally cripple the online experience)
  • Windows OS with telemtry disabled across the system (never perfect but I am happy)
  • Simplewall (Windows App) to manage some outbound traffic
  • Random password generators (exact logic is incredibly unique to me)
  • Android (mobile) with as much telemetry disabled as possible
  • Privacy Guides, a great website to keep atop of new updates
  • Various threat landscape blogs and podcasts

Listing it out, it sounds like I do a lot but this is pretty tame. I accept that there is a balance between user experience and privacy. Yes, I could totally de-Google my phone but then a lot of useful functionality is lost. Same with Windows, I could move to Linux full-time (and would if I could) but I am a gamer and, while Linux is improving in that landscape, it ain't great just yet.


I am sure asset sizes are subject to change depending on so many factors from app instances, to theming, etc. but I thought it would be useful to have a location where we can discuss asset sizing options the ensure good looking community headers, logos, etc.

I have started by attaching this one, a desktop header. From what I can tell, the default sizing (visible area on standard desktop and mobile) are similar but there is an aspect of overflow when the dynamic resizing happens.

The attached image is 3200x1800 in full and the main 'visible' area is central at 3000x900. This means that header images should be designed with the core elements in that area. You can scale the image as required but hopefully this helps.

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