
joined 2 years ago
[–] 3 points 2 years ago (3 children)

Same, my hope is that with people opting out and the wallpaper he shouldn’t have to pay much, if anything, out of pocket.

[–] 1 points 2 years ago (1 children)

Another user was having a similar problem with Reddit not retaining their edits when running a script. They fixed the issue by putting a time delay of five or six seconds between edits. Not saying this will work for you but might be worth looking into.

[–] 2 points 2 years ago

Yep I had this conversation with someone on Christian’s post about canceling Apollo. I owned the Alien Blue Premium App and when Reddit bought the app they gave anyone owned said app either 16 or 17 thousand Reddit Coins, cannot remember the exact amount. I have never purchased Reddit coin nor do I know what it costs but if me using some of those coins that they gave me gets a post to the front page then so be it.

[–] 1 points 2 years ago (2 children)

I agree but this is really some cutting off your nose despite your face territory. It’s like someone had a conversation with him about not burning bridges with the people that provide him with free labor and what he took away from that conversation is that fire isn’t an efficient enough medium of which to destroy said bridges.

[–] 4 points 2 years ago

Deal. I challenge you, BangelaQuirkel, to a game of Tiddlywinks. First one to figure out how play gets to eat this person’s sandwich.