No, but they do gate keep what can/can't be installed on their phone quite aggressively.
That's why there isn't a single torrent client for iOS, for example.
No, but they do gate keep what can/can't be installed on their phone quite aggressively.
That's why there isn't a single torrent client for iOS, for example.
I actually got a refund of all my donations for some reason.
WTF is the L?!
How does everyone else seem to know what it is?
I too am currently donating through GitHub. Let me know if that needs to change.
What percentage cut does only fans take?
That... does not look like fun
Doesn't it Amazon charge for data transfer? I.e the more requests you'll get, the more they'll bill?
O_o they also have an RFID card that you can use like a regular key, so that doesn't track.