Easy enough to do with PowerShell and just leaving the box running.
Yeah man, that Thomas Jefferson guy was a real unhinged fuckwad.
Nearly all land near small runways and airports that fly planes using AvGas will have lead contamination. That’s because lead is still used in most aviation fuels a consumer plane would use. Runways are also required to have and use PFAS in firefighting foam for emergencies. Training and system tests will dump that stuff in the surrounding area.
Unless these fine folks have A380s they’re paying a hefty premium for lead exposure and PFAS in their water and soil.
I get the skepticism, but where’s the profit in using NaCl as a catalyst in pyrolysis? If anything they’d be pushing a new and exotic catalyst that they can own a patent on.
I hope this is as successful in the field as it is in the lab. We have a massive global plastic problem and anything that can help is needed.
He’s so wealthy he could personally go to your neighborhood and “Mansa Musa” your place into inflation. He could just drop $10,000,000 per person to get up and leave whatever square mile surrounding your residence right now.
Assuming avg population density for a city in the US that’s only $2.8billion (~280 ppl/mile in cities). Not even a scratch to his total net worth.
A single person with that much wealth and power doesn’t require any attention to retain it. He’ll keep coming out on top because it’s nearly impossible not to when you reach a large enough number.
Most people with jobs do have to open office documents frequently.
I work in IT and hit Spam on everything I perceive as spam.
Poison all the data and fuck spammers straight to hell, tyvm.
A few versions ago they removed the ability to tear a tab out of the IDE to have it open separately.
WTF why? Do XCode devs not use their own product or something???
“We gotta cool the oceans down, that’s why I support nuking them!”
-Coming soon from the party that suggested nuking hurricanes
“We had authors and artists, but AI is so much more efficient they’re unnecessary.”
LLMs are coming for artistic and creative functions first. Is human creativity and artistry unnecessary?
Historically automation was on rote/repetitive tasks. This is a bit different.
So…Biden castrated the railroad union and it’s now functionally pointless. Any union that cannot strike or perform its own negotiations is a paper tiger.
It’s not better if your master stops his friend from beating you and throws a scrap from the table. All he did was remind the unions and employees who the master is. Next time they’ll be just as dependent, if not more so, on government intervention.
Railroads now know they never have to negotiate again.
Did they now? When will the Pharma part take effect? Are court cases heading to the Supreme Court to overturn that function?
Personally, I don’t think the IRA means anything for Pharma companies. SCOTUS will get their backs and block anything that cuts their profits as unconstitutional. It’s 6-3 and they love love love Pharma companies.