(sorry for the late reply)
https://see.ellipsenpark.de/ --> again, single-user, single-topic, more of an archive really
(sorry for the late reply)
https://see.ellipsenpark.de/ --> again, single-user, single-topic, more of an archive really
I'm running my own instance, and typically post my stuff on mastodon, so I guess I have made the first step?
It's a bit of a Catch-22 I suppose ... low numbers of viewers makes it less attractive for creators, and fewer interesting creators make it less attractive for viewers.
Taking into account the other aspects that make it less attractive for viewers (fragmentation and inconvenience ... having to dig through "Find the right instance for you" tutorials, no matter how well curated, can be a bit of a turn-off compared to just going to a central point and find what you're looking for), I don't have that much hope that it'll reach a critical mass of both viewers and creators to catapult Peertube into large-scale relevance ... as sad as I am about saying that.
"If you can find it" ... that's the crucial point I suppose ... but without a discovery algorithm, interesting creators, and a VAST content archive, it can hardly be called an "alternative" for YouTube.
When I was looking into it I found the best use case was to use it as a self-hosted video archive to replace/extend my Vimeo. At least at that point, all instances that were remotely interesting were not taking any users, and the generic ones seemed to be very far away from what I'm doing content-wise.
And I guess as long as that's the case, and you have no ways to monetize content nor any significant reach due to the federated fragmentation, I don't think it's an interesting software/federated platform for creators ...
Hope in what sense? Hope that it's generally possible to connect online without corporate social media? Sure ...
Hope that it'll become a replacement social media at a large scale? Probably not ... I think the way push-federation is implemented makes it inconvenient and hard to grasp, and generally people seem to prefer centralized platforms for the sheer convenience of use, which is hard to beat.
So I guess it'll remain stable in it's own little niche ... which isn't bad I suppose ...
I guess whether it's a flaw or not depends on your expectations ... definitely feels like a big drawback to me ...
Hmm in theory I get that, but in practice it's not always easy to grasp.
When Fediverse stuff comes up as an "alternative" it's often depicted as "leave Instagram, join Pixelfed" ... not "join pixelfed.social" or "join pixelfed.de" ... it's often presented as if the instance you choose doesn't matter that much. Which, is now pretty clear to me, is not true at all. It also seems a bit at odds with the idea of decentralization because if you want your content to be seen there's a big incentive to join an already-large instance.
Apart from that, as a practical consequence, it's hard to understand why, when and where you see something ... like, a common point of criticism about corporate social media is that algorithms boost content in often hard-to-understand ways ... but in the Fediverse, it just seems a different kind of intransparency, as long as you don't just stick to your local instance.
Hmm ok ... the servers are both pretty large so I assume they should be well-federated (if that's the right term).
But that flaw kinda means that effectively, information trickles through unpredictably and what you see is quite dependent on which instance you're on ... is that understanding correct?
Ah, gut zu wissen, aber das konnte ich der Beschreibung der Optionen damals nicht entnehmen.
Ich meine mich zu erinnern, das es in dem Client, den ich zum Eröffnen des Raumes genutzt habe, eine "people with the link can join" Option gab, die es aber in Element irgendwie nicht gab? Und die, wie schon gesagt, auch nicht funktioniert hat ....
Hab vor ein paar Monaten eine neue Gruppe aufmachen wollen, und dachte mir, warum nicht Matrix?
Invite Links konnte ich zwar generieren, haben aber nicht funktioniert, man musste alle Leute manuell hinzufügen.
Ich dachte mir, Verschlüsselung, warum nicht? Dann konnte aber zunächst mal keiner die Nachrichten sehen (das Problem wurde hier im Thread schon erwähnt), und ich musste selber meinen eigenen Account über ein anderes Gerät verifizieren.
Der Client, den ich auf'm Telefon installiert hab, kann push-notifications nur über Umwege ...
Ausserdem haben die unterschiedlichen Clients unterschiedliche Optionen angezeigt, die scheinbar auch nicht ganz kompatibel sind?
Alles sehr verwirrend, und man kann scheinbar einiges falsch machen (und das sage ich als studierter Informatiker, der steile Lernkurven bestimmt nicht scheut).
Letztlich ist die Gruppe schnell eingeschlafen, und ich hab das Gefühl, die Wahl von Matrix hat da durchaus ihren Anteil dran, weil's umständlich und nervig ist.
Seitdem ist's eher so auf der "ich guck in 3 Jahren nochmal, ob's dann rundläuft"-Liste
Wobei sich die Studie ja auf "Filter Ventilation" bezieht, also die kleinen Löcher im Filter, die dem inhalierten Rauch mehr Luft hinzufügen ...
Nicht das das Selbstgedrehte mit dichtem Papier jetzt besser macht, oder Zigaretten allgemein.
Finde es aber interessant, das eine scheinbar kleine Änderung im Design da tatsächlich einen Effekt zeigt.
Haha yes, the car is the German's favorite child, and complaining their favorite pastime.
That being said, I think there's more factors to it. Keep in mind that most German cities were in ruins after WWII, and plenty of buildings have been demolished to make room for cars.
The difference in electoral systems might play a role, where a green party could slowly, but steadily gain influence.
Railway infrastructure was already quite dense before mass motorization.
A lot of money has been spend to get through traffic out of town centers.
There's probably more to it ...
Sprachkritik in allen Ehren aber so scharf abgegrenzt sind die Begriffe, so scheint es mir, dann doch nicht?
Auch im Englischen spricht man gelegentlich von "social housing" ("charitable housing" hab ich noch nie gehört), "social services", "social security" usw ... während man im Deutschen auch von der "sozialen Ordnung" spricht ...
Insofern passt "soziale Medien" schon als Übersetzung, würde das nicht als "false friend" bezeichnen, beide Bedeutungen kommen in beiden Sprachen vor ...