
joined 2 weeks ago
[–] mfuga -4 points 12 hours ago (1 children)

In my opinion, the advantages of these platforms will far outweigh the disadvantages - provided that the abuse of power can be curbed (opaque algorithms that present fringe positions to a large audience, censorship by the owner, etc.). Regulatory measures are needed for all actors: rules for algorithm transparency, audits. If disclosure or audit fails, platforms can continue to be accessible but must shut down algorithms.

[–] mfuga 5 points 1 day ago

It will be a steep learning curve to realize that owning and citing from a book (let's say the art of the deal) doesn't mean that the enormous effort that previous world leaders put into brokering peace agreements was because they were stupid or lazy. Unfortunately, predictably, "bullying everyone and everything" will not work, but putting the ball so clearly in Russia's court is actually good progress.

[–] mfuga 9 points 1 day ago

Jeg bruger LibreOffice privat på både Linux og Windows og kan klart anbefale. Der er helt sikkert en vis indlæringskurve, men den er ikke dramatisk, da der er vejledninger og supportgrupper til rådighed. Jeg kan forestille mig, at integration med eksisterende offentlige systemer er en udfordring, men at etablere disse forbindelser bør være en bedre investering i IT end at løse Microsofts problemer.

[–] mfuga 3 points 3 days ago (1 children)

I use and it worked very good for my purposes, nice intuitive UI

[–] mfuga 11 points 6 days ago

I'm eager to see how the clown expects to ever be trusted again - randomly cancelling his own and ages old treaties at will or using threats to do so for "negotiations" (not to speak threats of annexation of former allies), what's left for positive diplomacy once he comes to see he needs it?

[–] mfuga 10 points 6 days ago

Gode nyheder i hele EU: Arbejdsløsheden falder yderligere.

Men er der nogen, der har forklaringen på, hvorfor Eurostat tæller 224.000 arbejdsløse i Danmark og »kun«115.395, sæsonkorrigeret omkring 63.000 (og hvis arbejdsløse »falder ud« af vores officielle optælling - hvor kommer EU-tallet så fra)?


"Hopefully, the rest of Europe will take note."

[–] mfuga 27 points 1 week ago

... and it's great to get it on to Fox News to reach their clients. There's increasing suffering among them and at some point people will join the protesters.

[–] mfuga 23 points 1 week ago

Would be great indeed but I fear there won't be"that moment where he realizes ...". In his view he's doing everything right for his audience (grifter in chief, Putin, billionaires). Nevertheless "chapeau!" to the protesters, well framed in the ski resort setting - always to remind the amount of taxpayer paid relaxation while others suffer from their actions.

[–] mfuga 9 points 1 week ago

Congrats! It's amazing how Ukraine is keeping up and innovating warfare with their home developed weapons (not certain if that applies here but truly amazing to me!). A lot to learn for Europe defense.