I agree. I love the art and it was fun for about 4-5 games but it got really old after that. I even bought expansions thinking it would liven it up again and Bellfaire is highly rated, but I didn’t think the expansions added anything. My husband has been suggesting it lately but even the thought of playing it feels like a slog.
joined 2 years ago
I agree. Being directed by Peter Jackson is not the slam dunk it once was (in my mind). I know the Hobbit was a mess for several reasons that weren’t his fault, but there was plenty he did have control over that I didn’t like.
That’s very useful. I scrolled through the out of blackout list and was disappointed to find quite a few of my most-visited subreddits were public again
I truly never realized how many people used Reddit for porn until this happened
I really agree with this. I’m a relatively new fan and her lyricism, both for relatability and appreciation at the sheer skill of it, is really what drew me in.