When mine did that it required a battery replacement. Got replacement from this site: https://batterysharks.com/. Also, maybe you should stop doing things that aren't absolutely necessary until you've taken a nap.
My understanding is that depression and anxiety are not uncommon for people with untreated ADHD. So it might be that your struggles with ADHD are causing depression.
Therapy is probably a good idea regardless. If you spent your life "in the wrong body", I would imagine it would still leave you with thousands of small mental wounds that add up. Granted, finding the right therapist can be an ordeal.
More information if your interested: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyqKj7LwU2RulAjHczohbx5OyJQ8TaFM0
Also establishes expectations. Every on the highway knows what the expected speed is. Going 30 in a 65 is way more dangerous than doing 75 when conditions allow.
It's not reliable. I will get a message on my phone that doesn't show up on my PC for 20 minutes. I'll get a notification on my phone but some times not on my PC. I hate that I have to have my phone ping for everything that ever happens because I can't trust the desktop version to actually tell me.
I was thinking mountain goat. Need those smaller feet to stand on narrow ledges.
But you don't understand. This is the Internet. You are either a saint or the anti-christ. There is nothing In-between and nuance is propaganda. And if you don't agree with my currently held emotionally charged position, you are what's wrong with (fill in the blank).
I think a group of people found a dead horse they like beating. They enjoy it, so they will keep going.
Livescribe has been around for years. It was really useful in school.
I believe there is battery tech that is newer but being deployed into production that is iron based. It is heavier and less energy dense than lithium. But for power grid level deployment that should be fine and iron is a bit harder to catch on fire.
Sounds like your just optimizing for efficiency over peak performance. That a form of "best self".