Can bribe a toddler with a box of OJ.
Engineer: "If speed == slow, do nose down"
QA engineer: "But what if the not redundant sensor if faulty?"
Engineer: "Good is good enough, I have more to do and deadlines to catch"
QA engineer: "You're absolutely correct, ENJOY!"
Nearly dead memes for nearly death people!
I do support the message though!
Het wordt pas opgemerkt op het moment dat een bank eraan te pas komt. 20k onderhands kun je zo wegpoetsen, alleen de route naar de bank is ingewikkelder. Daardoor blijft er meer in het zwarte circuit hangen.
Dus er zal veel meer zwart worden gedaan.
After nuclear accidents, you get to make anime without shame.
✨iNtErNaL PoInTeR VaRiAbLe✨
The cartel will start lobbying, because of loosing their biggest outlet.
The MCAS system is now so robust it only wants to go up..
It becomes a repatriation.
2 more than the Total Recall lady.
Why the meta logo?
Use a bird lady as logo!