Go be the change you want. Create posts, invite the users from your city's subreddit
Well... With this meaningful comment, I'm doing my part.
After they introduced several other awards except gold, the awards completely lost its meaning (and value) in my eyes. I still remember the bliss I felt the day I discovered Apollos "hide awards"-setting.
I gotta admit I pay for premium. Like, I pay for all these different services like Netflix, hbo, prime, Spotify etc, but the one I use the most (by a lot!) is YouTube. I bought it most of all to not have ads on my iPhone. Now the creators gets payed, I never see ads anywhere, all is good.
Jeg syntes ikke det nødvendigvis så ut som det var med overlegg. Kunne kanskje ha klart noe sånt selv, til og med.
Syntes absolutt ikke det er noe å lynsje mannen eller karrieren hans over. Gi han en sjanse. Folk er distre, folk gjør dumme ting under stress.
This ticks many boxes for me! Nice easy swiping gestures, double tap and hold to zoom on images, a lot of customisation of the feed ++
I like it!