I didn't come here to talk about Reddit all day, but every thread on lemmy is just reddit, reddit, reddit. So I'm mostly lurking until that is gone.
joined 2 years ago
I use KDE Neon as well, but I dislike every minute of it. The Discover app just constantly breaks when trying to update packages from several sources. Having to juggle apt and pkcon is a chore. Sleep just never seems to work right etc.. When I have an extended weekend, I'll start distro hopping again. Either back to Arch or trying out NixOS.
This is an important distinction. I follow people on Twitter, while I follow topics on Reddit. It's also the main reason why Mastodon will never succeed until it reaches the people I want to follow.
It's not often talked about but WinDbg is a great tool: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/debugger/