Welcome! 🇺🇸
I lifted weights one day and I’m not ripped! May as well become a slug instead.
The answer to this question is always yes in every context.
Until enough maga cultist become casualties of Trump’s fascist state nothing will change.
What value does this post add to the conversation?
Trump isn’t in office and he’s already renaming Eurasia.
The expanding star of the show.
If this pathetic human was working at McDonalds she would have been fired the first day she skipped work in July. 😡
Not a defense of Biden, bit maybe this is why?
Buried in the massive list of nearly 1,500 people
Is so, he’s chasing the wrong tail.
SIMON: Now, we should underscore, Jason, this is not the version of the vaccine that's given to youngsters in the United States.
This is on brand for the Trump cult.
Boosting loyalists to the front of the power line is one of the few win win plays they run for themselves. If Tulsi is pushed to the back of the line the magaverse will scream no fair! If she makes it to the front it’s American dream destruction time.
Hey look, the MAGA cult is seeing if they can more directly steal our money to see if anything happens.