I sketched up a couple solid starts at tracks last week so this week I want to focus on fleshing them out some more and try to have at least one that I can call a full song.
Nice, I like the glitchiness you've got going there. It's a good start just needs a bit of fleshing out I think, build in some more drums, progress the synths into larger phrases. Super cool though keep it up.
Awesome. I play ttrpgs too (mostly dnd) and have thought about doing this but as of yet haven't had the follow through. Will you be posting anything? I'd like to hear how it comes out.
Cool, will do then. Thanks.
Yeah, I definitely plan to. I will for sure upload any songs I write that I incorporate it into. If there's interest I can also share just performing classical pieces as well but this being a synth board I can see how that may be slightly out of scope.
I started rededicating my efforts to practicing cello and trying to learn some new pieces. I want to incorporate it into the music I make and want to really get my chops back. For a while I had been only really playing things that I've already learned but not learning anything new and I want to stretch my brain again and learn a new thing with a goal of getting it performance ready. It feels really good to have a clear goal and something I need to put real focus into.
The number of men that I see on a regular basis leave the bathroom after going without washing their hands is alarming. I'm almost old enough now to start calling them on it, but not quite.
They won't. At this point is this still unknown for the majority of people? Maybe I'm jaded but it seems like everyone knows they're being farmed for data but they don't care enough because fb/ig/everything these days is too convenient/addicting.
I like the idea of this weekly thread for general discussion. Would we want to do a similar post each week (maybe month depending on interest) for users to post whatever they might be working on? Interesting sounds, cool beats, full songs, whatever. I think it would be cool to have a focus on what these various boxes and dials do and why we all like them so much.
oh damn, I want to see them with the body so badly. I saw Uniform a couple years back just by themselves and that was an amazing show.
Semi-related, the body + full of hell show would be a dream too.
Super cool, what kind of game is it?