
joined 2 years ago
[–] 1 points 1 month ago

@unknown1234_5 @kde If apps won't export the menu via ibus, this will still work as partially as global menu does.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

@D_Air1 not all of them, Vivaldi does not. I think it is related to apps wanting to do fancy stuff with the menus, like having custom icons. Of course, both Firefox and Vivaldi have global menu on macosx, which is quite depressing.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago

@carl @kde It looks like I have to typer ctrl-shift-m in every single app I want the menu back! But at least it is working

[–] 2 points 1 month ago (3 children)

@D_Air1 It is not just gtk4 apps, of which I don't use any, but also Firefox and Thunderbird and many others work but have glitches.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

@carl @kde No worry, I had already done something similar, however but it does not seem to have worked… I'll try google some more.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago (4 children)

@carl @kde Oh LOL, do I need to change all of them manually?

[130|18:08|paulite23|.config]$ find . -type f -name \*rc -exec grep -i menubar --color \{\} /dev/null \;


[–] 1 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (5 children)

@carl @kde no I'm on a recently updated kde neon. But my config files have been transferred from one install to the other for many years.

What is maybe special, is that I remove two global menu widgets in one go, as I have two screens.

Anyways, sounds like it is time for a big grep exploration!


@kde I've been using Global Menu for a while, but since it is less and less supported, I've finally removed the widget.

However, I did not get the local menu back! Now all my KDE apps have no menu at all.

I thought that restarting the session would fix it, but it did not help. Anybody has any hint on how to fix this?

[–] 1 points 3 months ago

@mearce You are used to windows being either Maximized or Fullscreen, and these two states being very different things, and changing from one to the other being an hassle, especially exiting from Fullscreen requires touching the keyboard (ESC or f11), or a special button in the interface, hoping the developer made it recognisable. In reality, they are the same thing, with the only difference that Fullscreen hides the menus. If you have the global menu attached to a menu that avoids maximized windows you have unified Fullscreen and Maximized. If on the same panel you also put a widget tonexit from maximized, you also have a universal way to exist from Fullscreen: just take the cursor to the top of the screen and reveal the panel.


Hey hey! Looks like @kde Neon has been rebased to 24.04 aka Noble. I started the upgrade right away. The upgrade script crashed halfway because of some problem with apt configuration (probably my fault) but I cleared the error and finished it by hand with "apt dist-upgrade". Reboot, ok.

I only had to purge all that snap+apparmor nonsense that was preventing thunderbird from opening web links and crashing @Vivaldi browser. I really do not understand the point of apparmor outside of server world. How can you be so arrogant to think you'll be able to predict all the possible uses of a consumer software, and decide that it is ok to cause all the other uses to fail with only a cryptic error message buried in the system logs?

[–] 1 points 8 months ago
[–] 1 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (1 children)

@forrestguid @imecth @cullmann @ohyran @UnityDevice @domi @boredsquirrel @Plopp @soupermkc @minecraftchest1 You have been able to set the icon size for a while, although the interface is a bit minimal (it is in the options of the systray widget) :

[–] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

@Zamundaaa I don't know if it was a wayland quirks or something esle, but they definitely were not global for me, we're talking two days ago. I would have noticed if desktops kept whizzing around every time I try to maximize a window or pull down the runner, as they do now ;)

[–] 3 points 1 year ago (3 children)

@Zamundaaa I did actually mix up three vs four fingers, but what has changed is that the three fingers gestures to change virtual desktop only worked on the bare desktop, while now they are global i.e. they work even if you have an in focus window.


@kde I'm quite happy with the Plasma6 release, but I have number of regression with respect to Plasma5.

The worst, by far, is that lockscreen seems to be broken. I use password or fingerprint, with pam configured to ask for fingerprint after password failure. When I unlock after sleep, the greeter only displays an "unlock" button with an open lock icon. Clicking it does nothing. If I manually trigger the screen locker, I can unlock once, but on the second try it usually hangs.

Second problem: touchpad gestures in wayland. It was already a pain that one could not personalize these actions, but at least the defaults were ok for me (3 finger up/down for desktop grid/present windows). And I could use fusuma for more.
The new defaults hijacks all 3-finger gestures to scroll one virtual desktop up/down left/right which I find useless.

And all those widgets which have not been ported yet, and probably never will. I tried to give a quick look at the two I used most, but it is too far away from my kind of programming.

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