As a Canadian, I couldn’t be happier.
Maybe we can annex some of these poor should to a country that cares.
As a Canadian, I couldn’t be happier.
Maybe we can annex some of these poor should to a country that cares.
What a typical twat American response.
Thank you for using tonne ❤️❤️❤️
So the same goes if the Tesla is carrying a family in it and some fella goes and brake checks it? Or runs it off the road?
Sure. I assume that will work.
The point?
You gotta put these bars on records.
This is a very typical ad hominem attack on someone’s political beliefs. Especially coming from someone who probably doesn’t think much farther past what they’re going to eat for the day, or how drunk they’re going to get on the weekend. I’m not going to insult you back because it’s very clear that yer a low information individual who’s more concerned with breaking stuff, rather than trying to repair and move on.
Life long NDP voter btw. But I’m sure you’ll just scoff at this and continue to throw low IQ insults around.
Forgive my ignorance, but can the charter of rights and freedoms be amended?
I am an anti-theist, and would love nothing more than to ban all public displays of all religions.
Such a refreshing, rational, nuanced take.
I wish there was more of you.
Man, those conservatives would be big mad if they could read.
Eliminate tax free status of ALL religions. Fine and charge all public displays of religion that are outside of their own properties, be it private or congregations. So sick and tired of seeing our laws bend to include or exclude religions. It’s a wonder that after 3000 some years that the Abrahamics still have this much pull.
American exceptionalism strikes again.