Anyone got recommendations for anything interesting looking?
Being stuck in England is experienced by me as a kind of sad anxiety in the pit of my stomach at all times
I used apollo, but I've not been on it since the protests started. Not going back to Reddit either now
I don't think the monetisation of content is inevitable for social media . It's inevitable for companies driven by profit who fully control a platform if that company wants to survive - but there are other ways to structure a community that doesn't rely on centralised platforms run by a business.
I guess we might see if i'm right over the next decade or two. I hope I am.
Ah - I only lurk on there, I don't have an account. I've never felt the need to participate, but that could just be me.
I'm a big fan of - similar structure, different vibe (it had nothing to do with rust, just a coincidence)
100% - I didn't realise I was bi for the longest time because of Catholicism. It gets better once you're away from it all