“Those poors don’t need food or health care. If they die, all the money we spend on them can go in my pocket and make me richer! Sounds like a plan where I can’t lose!”
What fucked up society norms pushed such narcissistic, self serving asshats to a position of power and control? We are all out here trying to live, I don’t see people trying to adjust how they fucking live. Because they are in that place of power, they’ve been ordained by Jesus to bend all of us to their will? Get the fuck out of here.
Good! Get mad and in their faces! Let them know their jobs are at stake as well here. Let them know you are mad at their actions, and shame them for selling the American people like that.
He’s a senile geriatric, he has no clue what decade it is, let alone what the fuck is being talked about. He was told to sit there and shut up so he wouldn’t ramble or say some stupid nazi shit and let the big boys talk. So he did, and we get to see who the real boss is.
Wow, so we get to see how corrupt the corrupt dictator is. And this will stop his tyranny how?
He already has, and they are begging for him to go deeper and harder.
There are gun nuts of all shapes and colors, who should be asking the same question.
When do we exercise our second amendment rights against this tyrannical dictator?
The major media is actively quieting and downplaying any resistance on the ground. It’s actually quite sad to see. But there is movement. I’m just with you, not sure the resistance that being made is the right kind.
Do it! Exercise that right before they try and take that away too. Go to a gun show, super cheap! Talk to the guys there about personal defense, they will give you such good advice. Head to a shooting range and fire off a few to get a good idea on how they handle. What’s the worst that can happen? They sit around and collect dust because you don’t need to overthrow a tyrannical dictator?
Perhaps if the backlash was backed by mobs exercising their second amendment rights?
Legal challenges? They are ignoring the courts. How will that change anything?
When do we start exercising our second amendment on this tyrannical dictator?
Party of small government, right? Party of states rights, right? Sounds to me they are the party of dictatorship, tyranny and oppression.