Yeah, I think a lot of MAGA, and other Republicans, don't realize that the 'radical left' democrats, would be seen as right-wing by many other western nations' standards. And the whole thing about them being the 'leader of the free world' is sickening and hilarious at the same time.
Canada is 11th in the Cato Human Freedom Index, while the US, the 'freest nation in the world is 17th'. They have no business talking to us, or ANYONE ahead of them in that index, about being free. And most of the nations ahead of them in that freedom index, are from Europe, the 'socialist nations' as MAGA and others like to call them.
Exactly. In fact, didn't Trump once say he loved the uneducated? An informed electorate, one that's capable of critical thinking, is the one thing every dictator would fear. Makes it harder for them to manipulate the masses. Which would explain why Trump wants to close down the Department of Education.