In several European countries, plastic is sorted to be used in incinerators for local heat production.
Sure, it doesn't count as renewable nor carbon-free energy, but it gets rid of the waste and makes double use of the oil extracted.
In several European countries, plastic is sorted to be used in incinerators for local heat production.
Sure, it doesn't count as renewable nor carbon-free energy, but it gets rid of the waste and makes double use of the oil extracted.
No, there were credible academic studies back in 2012 that explained the Arabs Spring revolts by climate change, leaving countryside communities unable to sustain their mode of life.
Well, I have some difficulties seeing Hamas or even Fatah participating peacefully to a secular Palestinian government. Two states living next to each other remains the only possible solution for at least a hundreds year. But Israel needs to make concessions to Fatah if one wants a chance to have a long enough peace to starts mending the civil society.
While there is some truth in this, humans and AI do not make the same type of mistakes with hands.
Humans will rebuild the topological structure of the hand: 5 fingers protruding from a base, and get the proportions wrong..while the topology is credible.
AI will rebuild the image of a hand from the 2d appearance of a hand: a variable number of flesh colored, parallel stripes, and improvise from that.
While both can get it wrong, the errors are not similar.
Python is actually a good example of this: see the mess that the transition from 2.6 to 3 generated.
Not really. We also have deductive capabilities (aka "system 2") that enable us to ensure some level of proof over our statements.
If it works out like in the "Servant of the people" TV show that launched Zelensky drive, they will be remain unscathed.
My go to answer is to say that I don't have a mobile phone. Actually, I have one, but it's only for personal contacts, not for institutions. When a clerk asks me for my phone number, I answer: sure, give me your phone number, I'll text you my contact.
Same for administrations and my employer: my boss has my phone numbers but not HR in my company.
The only institution that has my phone number is my bank, and i'm seriously considering using an alternate authentication method for 2FA at my bank.
If enough of us do that, it won't happen.
It says it has a "high res monitor". For having learned to program graphics on this machine, we had to count the pixels to be able to fit our drawings in the screen: 512x342, that's not a lot of screen real estate. The 640x480 PC screen was a luxury.
Je commence tout juste a m'habituer à kbin et et via l'application Jerboa. Lorsque je change d'instance dans Jerboa, je n'arrive plus à avoir la même interface.
Vous risquez de me perdre (et sûrement quelques autres) pour un temps avec cette migration.
Just don't believe this is anything new. Back in time, people used to seriously believe in faeries, trolls, deamons, angels and other supernatural phenomena.
That's how you could lead people to carry holy wars and consider serfdom and slavery as natural order of things.
Back in the 80's, I remember a report from an ethnologist going to Nepal and meeting people who seriously believed that Russians had goat feet.
If anything, the internet has revealed the credulity of the general population, and provides means to fight and contain superstitions of various kinds.
I'm an optimist.
The Helsinki declaration
Is the reference for health sciences these days.