For the commercial yeah, real life is more of a no.
"I can record you too" she hath doth sayeth
No politics here, we can go about our business.
But once again, you pour over my words with such vigor. Cry into your secure little end of the void.
Not one bit. This isn't rocket science, you wanna know something look it up son. Or else I'll school ya. Tootles
To be honest I'm truly bored with this discussion. The argument you've given boils down to meaningless pedantry that critiiques ones' presentation over facts, contained in the link I found quickly, with which to dispel the illiterate.
Buddy, you're the one all about the safe space in your domicile with your guns. TF i care about your trolling, you're in a thread about domestic abuse, and have no grasp on the statistics I presented to counter your high and mighty opinion.
Only discerning women carry the Clue VCR edition.
Where the bald eagle swoops in and drops a loaded gun into her hands, yah.
Insert astounded meme when a shell partner aquires the Brand and now, (pick your)company is now a known CCP co-conspirator.