Begin by just getting a house already.
The Republican party would like to do the same thing to migrants here in the US. Instead they are taking them offsite to concentration camps in Panama and Guantanamo... That we know of so far.
Oh my god! Who the heck is supposed to help us all stop this?
This sounds interesting. Imagine all of them trying to figure out how to "rule" the ISS as it gets just a bit warmer...."no! The rule says we must wear clothes at all times!....well, because he's the president, that's why he gets to go naked"
Wait... I did that! Am I a trum...I can't say it! No! No! Noooooooo!
Department Of Greddy Elon Asshole Spy...DOGEAS
Yes! Eat all of our shorts!
That may be true. My sister lives on the east coast and I'm on the northWest. My mom and other siblings live south.
I don't go visit on the weekends. I got shit to do. Just give them a call. They probably got shit to do too. Lol.
Nope. I wanna keep it that way. I've flown on 737's where the engines keep making little sparks the entire flight.... As an ex solarturbines engineer I can tell you that that's not normal and can lead to flying blades which can slice right thru the plane body and you like butter. They have a cover around the blades that is supposed to stop them. But I don't trust it since I haven't seen the test videos at vehicle speed. But that's just one minor issue. I've been on a plane landing in Bohol the Philippines where some "minor" damage was promptly patched using duct tape.
My job used to take me places. That's probably the only reason to travel... For science, education, or for a job. Not for going to another sushi place or to see a building or a pyramid. The worse travel is for nothing... Carnival cruise ships. And also for things... China made stuff you buy from temu.
Ah yes, I forgot. They can probably just ride the safety exit door on a Boeing soda can craft that may be attached to the iss.
Only got one vote?
Lol all my kid's YouTube videos come with....
Blah blah sincerely good person does amazing thing, only gets 1 vote.