@notTheAudience Oh, I read "Catfishing" last year and really enjoyed it. Did you know there's a sequel?
@Tiffany I enjoyed that one very much also. Planning to read the second book soon.
Third act breakups have gotten kind of terrible, haven't they? Sometimes they just seem so forced and obligatory.
@notTheAudience I tried her historical and didn't care for it at all so I'm glad I gave her another shot.
@wendypalmer It doesn't necessarily have one, but I'm not that far in yet. The similarity is more meta.
@notTheAudience I also liked Wildfire better than Icebreaker. And was really interested in the main character of this.
@notTheAudience Oh dear. I've been looking forward to it but you're not the first I've heard say it was disappointing.
@ScribblingSandy Oh, I have read at least one - Scorpio Summer. TV setting. Gonna try a few more I found at Open Library. @romancebooks
@Brotha_Jaufrey Thornhedge is more on the fantasy side, though has some horrific elements. She writes both. @Postmortal_Pop