
joined 2 years ago
[–] x3i@lemmy.x3i.tech 1 points 1 year ago

Geekworm offers a HAT and an enclosure for 2HDD and the Pi, that might suit you

[–] x3i@lemmy.x3i.tech 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Wtf I didn't know that there is a clear reason for corpos getting political! Thank you for this, I really had no idea about it!

[–] x3i@lemmy.x3i.tech 1 points 1 year ago

Did you take a little journey into the BIOS yet? Is definitely firmware, the question is if you can just change a setting there. Otherwise, somebody already mentioned dummy HDMI plugs.

[–] x3i@lemmy.x3i.tech 2 points 1 year ago

Relied on an AUR package for building and signing my unified kernel image... one day it was outdated and geberating the image failed, I noticed that by the fact that the system refused to boot my OS. Fixing it was done in a few minutes but boy, that was a shock :D

Guess who also checks the exact output of the kernel rebuild now before rebooting!

[–] x3i@lemmy.x3i.tech 1 points 1 year ago

Might be the case but is this really a problem to solve? To my knowledge, all modern boards support wol.

[–] x3i@lemmy.x3i.tech 1 points 1 year ago

My bad, I just looked up what a CUV is and you are totally right. I'd go even further and say that there are barely any real "SUVs" around from European car makers, seems like the CUV label fits pretty much all of them (with few exceptions, usually the big ones like Audi Q5+, BMW X5+, VW Touareg). So I learned sth today, thanks!

[–] x3i@lemmy.x3i.tech 5 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Similar reason for me. Although, as long as I could get a car without internet connectivity, I would even be fine with non-free software but even that is too much to ask nowadays. This also applies to gas or diesel powered cars though, so I will stick with my sedan from 2015 too, might even have the engine redone completely in a few years if there are no proper options by then.

[–] x3i@lemmy.x3i.tech 1 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Is this a US take? Serious question because in Europe, I see primarily SUVs being sold when it comes to EVs. Small and shitty ones yes, but still aiming to resemble at least the SUV look. E.g. VW ID3, ID4; these I see a lot on the streets over here. Big exception seem to be hybrids, they usually are sedans or hatchbacks.

[–] x3i@lemmy.x3i.tech 1 points 1 year ago

Did you contact your ISP about this? Most of them can adjust a setting for you to remove the NAT part, the feature is usually called dual-stack. If you are in the EU, you even have a fundamental right to use your own router, you just have to register your MAC with them.

[–] x3i@lemmy.x3i.tech 1 points 1 year ago

Vim supports editing files through scp as well, no reason to cry here xD

[–] x3i@lemmy.x3i.tech 1 points 1 year ago

I second this. If you want people to help you tell us

  • what did you try to achieve
  • what command did you issue
  • what is the problem

Meaning what did you type, what did you expect it to do and what is the error. Copy the code ideally, alternatively send a screenshot. Once you provide this, we will be happy to help.

[–] x3i@lemmy.x3i.tech 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Okay, then it simply has an issue with the addresses you are providing, as someone pointed out already, the issue likely is the 192.168.100 network. Find out where exactly you define localhost and as addresses to listen to and change them to e.g. and instead (or ideally just as this includes localhost as well). Restart the container afterwards, see if it works. Of course make a backup of your config first so you can go back.


Hi people, since we see more and more complaints regarding old movies being not politically correct anymore, I am getting more and more concerned about some purchases I made some years ago. Specifically, there is a set of local movies in my mother tongue which I bought and therefore want to download them in case they are removed/changed later on. How can I do that?

Linux cmdline tools preferred, sharing is no consideration, so I am not concerned about digital fingerprints.


Hello people, I need to ask the swarm intelligence for some suggestions for my problem:

I am hosting my eBooks and some downloaded research papers (best idea ever btw) on a calibre instance at home. My gf loves to listen to audio books and it seems like calibre has support for them as well (did not test that yet). Now I need an Android app, preferably open-source, that can connect to calibre and pull and play audio books and ideally also ebooks in case she wants to read. For me, KOReader does a decent job but the audio book part is sth I was unable to solve so far. Does somebody have a similar use case and solution? Thanks in advance!

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