Why don't you tell me what communism means to you. You can't really communicate ideas if you don't speak a common language.
This is prime example of my point.
Just so you know, we like communists (mostly, we are communists), we’re generally OK with socialists
Your statement reveals you have no knowledge of the subject or ideals you claim to believe in. Communism is a process in which to establish a Socialist utopia. It was conceived by Marx based on the Machiavellian quote "The ends justify the means." and was laid out in the Communist Manifesto. It is a militant process in which to implement SOCIALISM by force. I am guessing you are a fan of how things worked out in China?
I think they are failing to emphasize the novel method Ukraine used to attack. Using submersible drones. Ukraine has been trying to build a drone navy.
They simultaneously love and hate communists, socialists, fascists, "the left", "The FAR Left", nationalist, and liberals. While simultaneously seeming to not know what any of those things actually are. They do seem to be steadfast in their unity as far as using America as a scapegoat for all the worlds problems including all of Americas problems as though all of America is a single entity running the world both with ruthless efficiency and complete incompetence at the same time.
these people really crossing the line between "ideology" and mental illness.
I kind of get it though social media boosts confidence in bias beliefs but those bias beliefs are already there people just weren't as loud about them or inclined to act on them like they are now.
worth noting you can sign the CLA and you vote is not just a protest but a legitimate vote.
I feel like you didnt read my response since it explains why in those 74 years they havent had a chance to do so and why things are different now. I also talk about how taiwans largest trade partner today is main land China. Reliable sources all acknowledge that ot isnt a secret.
lol well if you knew your history you would know they tried and failed. The PLA lost at the battle of Guningtou which effectively halted their advance towards Taiwan. Then the Korean War started and completely changed their priorities for years to come. Ever since then it's been a back and forth arms race of Taiwan's ROC maintaining a sufficient military readiness up to around 1980 as to deter China from taking action. Then the US got heavily involved and Taiwan became a center for semi conductor manufacture. It became a critical partner for countries around the world because of this and this bolstered the ROC's access to advanced western military equipment and help from nations dependent on Taiwanese industry also China itself became a major trade partner with Taiwan(bizarre right?). But the new CCP and PLA leadership of today are not like their counterparts of the past. Pooh Bear is a true despot who really wants the one China dream and cares little for the people. He has expressed real interest in aggression regardless of cost and needs a distraction to economic woes. Much like his Slavic counterpart's dream of reuniting the USSR pooh also has the One China bug hence actions taken in Hong Kong. He would have been all to happy to conduct and all out invasion and there was real evidence he planned to do so; However, the Ukrainian response I believe took them by surprise and Taiwan is much better prepared to repel an attack than Ukraine was.
apparently easily.
I'd never had a gun before I joined the army After I got out I was shocked to learn gun without a safety were a thing. Still just seems insane to me even though I get why they don't.