Are self-driving cars a traveling expense deduction or taxable income, and how would the car report this?
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"I'll just give you the money, and you give me the doughnut, end of transaction. We don't need to bring ink and paper into this."
R.I.P. Mitch
My absolute favorite joke of his wasn't even a real joke.
Apparently Mitch was checking into a hotel and the receptionist asked for a credit card. Mitch being the guy he was he didn't have a credit card. So he pulls out a big wad of cash and says "Nah man this will cover it". So the receptionist is like "No sir, I need a credit card". Mitch's reaction was priceless. Apparently he replied "Nah man, this is what the card represents. That would be like if you hired a Frank Sinatra impersonator and the real Frank Sinatra showed up and you were like, 'Nah we're gonna go with the impersonator'"
I forget who told that story but it always makes me laugh hard.
Beautiful. Someone had to make a documentary. It's on my bucket list.