I've actually been to a native american restaurant. It was on a reserve. They served buffalo burgers. It was fucking delicious.
So it's voter fraud when they lose but ear splitting silence when they win.
Also they weren't screeching it as hard. It wasn't plastered all over every major news network like it was last time.
I'm just saying that's what I personally believe. It's not that big of a leap considering how little they care about democracy.
I'm convinced they actually rigged the election.
I know people don't like it when people bring that up but the coincidences are too damn high.
They bitched for 4 fucking years that the election was stolen. They all cried voter fraud during the entire Biden election/presidency. The republican party is the party of projection. Every accusation is a confession. They were screeching that the dems cheated because they were cheating so how can they lose when they're cheating?
And yet this election there wasn't a single fucking peep about voter fraud or rigged elections.
Seems pretty fucky to me.
But it's not just on my behalf? It's on theirs and literally everyone else's behalf.
They're willingly getting out of the way to protect their own. Disregarding everyone who will be harmed by doing so.
That should be seen and treated as cowardice.
He only did that to make himself look good. He was the one who originally popularized banning it in the first place.
There's a couple for me.
Prioritization of tasks. The flaming pot is more important than the smoking oven.
The ability to move through a dense group of people without disrupting anyone.
Sense of urgency. You need to move with intention and do it quickly.
Injury assessment. You're not going home because you got 1st degree burns. Grit your teeth and push through. If you cut yourself it's a different story but unless your skin is sloughing off your fine.
It's just as bad a symptom in cats. It usually signifies a brain injury. If it doesn't clear up within a few minutes you should definitely contact a vet
I'm a lifelong cook. Been working in kitchens since I was 15 and I'm currently training to be the sous chef at my current location.
People shit on food service workers but the amount of practical real life skills I've acquired over the years has actually come in handy quite a few times.
But Kermit likes pigs?
The worst part is you can actually fit the full word in the same beat but it doesn't sound dumb af
He also canonically fucks. Like a lot.