Sounds good. Love that it’s AGPL. But free or cheap lifetime access to any hosted service can’t possibly work, right?
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They do not provide this option most of the time. They've explicitly stated they're aware of when and how they can provide this option. I think most, like me, still prefer to pay monthly or annually.
Is there a way to sync folders with local folders? I usually sync my pictures/documents/etc folders with their local equivalent.
Yes it's built into the desktop app. Works very well.
Yeah quite nice, I am now looking for the same on their Android app but it does not seem to exist. Have to try their WebDAV server, sounds like a potential solution around it.
With the app I have tried with photos in the phone and syncs ok. I haven,t tried ok the computer yet
Doesn't sound exactly like a sustainable business model to me. Giving storage away for free or for a one time payment cannot cover the steady costs for hardware, traffic etc.
They say they "ration" the lifetime programs. They have like seven other payment options, monthly. So, now they have that plans, maybe in a month they don't and maybe they offer them again in several months again.
I'm still not convinced. If you offer a service that costs money continously but customers don't pay periodically, you need another source of income to offset these losses. That means customers who pay periodically have to pay higher rates (making the service less attractive) or you have to make money with your customers' data. Additionaly, if I were a customer interested in the service, why would I sign up for the monthly plan, if I knew that I can just wait until lifetime plans are available again? According to their FAQ you can even stack multiple plans, so you can buy two times 100 GB to get 200 GB permanently etc.
Thanks for that, sounds good.
you can refer other new users (you will get an additional 10 GB for each referral with a 40 GB limit), and the one referred also gets 19 GB more.
You should provide your referral code.
Mine is full I have 40 GB right now. Try referring friends/family ;)
Uh nice! It‘s a little more work to set up the cloud drive to have the synced desktop folder. Overall very cool feature set!
Yea, the possibility to mount it like a unir is very good. It is a bit of work, but later is very convenient