"What's up with the wax by the slow cooker?"
"Well, I've read about 10 papers on high performance cycling and have concluded, that hot waxing my chain may save about half a watt."
"When did you last ride it?"
"Also a good question, indeed."
The lighter side of ADHD
"What's up with the wax by the slow cooker?"
"Well, I've read about 10 papers on high performance cycling and have concluded, that hot waxing my chain may save about half a watt."
"When did you last ride it?"
"Also a good question, indeed."
"What's up with the wax by the slow cooker?"
"Oh that's for candlemaking, did you know that burning beeswax reduces allergens in the air by neutralizing the electric charge that makes them float?"
I haven't made candles in probably 5 years but I always loved that factoid about the beeswax.
See, i had a flat, but the flat is on the rear, which means i have to take off the rear wheel, which is worse than the front. But it's okay, the tire was worn down anyway, and i wanted to go tubeless anyway.
So when are you gonna....
Are we done asking stupid questions already?
As the cat demon from adventure time say: "I have approximate knowledge of many things."
God. Him face planting into a rock in the background utterly slayed me 🤣
Jesus christ this is me...
It always surprises me when nobody is interested in learning how things around them work. I have a dozen hobbies that I don't have time for.
Dilettantes, unite!
a person who cultivates an area of interest, such as the arts, without real commitment or knowledge.
For those who don't feel like looking it up.
Indeed, we'll do that, just maybe not today. But add me to the distribution list.
Thanks I learned a new word today :3
I have the time but not the energy or motivation to be able to focus on any of them for more than 3 minutes. Help...
nobody is interested in learning how things around them work.
Right? I think this to myself all the time. I mean I know it's not nobody but it sure seems like it is the vast majority.
And yes, I too have too many hobbies and not enough time. I really hope I live long enough to retire and have time for some of it lol
Have you ever thought about sailing? That's my latest. Bought a boat last year after binging boat life videos and I've already sailed 5 hours in the last 10 months. <_<
It's fun though.
I like the idea of exploring different sea ports. Right now, though, I am keeping an eye out for a cheap canoe (etc) so my kid and I can actually catch some fish for once. In a lake I mean.
I'm on Chess currently... Any tips from anyone here?
Don't go to !anarchychess@sopuli.xyz
Worst mistake of my life
Holy hell
New response just dropped
Actual zombie
Call the exorcist
King to G7
Albin Countergambit Nuclear Ballistic Missile Defense might come in handy in one of your next games. It's a niche strategy but indispensable when you need it.
Try not to eat the pieces.
Root cellars and inglenooks if you like architecture.
Ed: you meant chess stuff... I'm not smart
King's pawn opening with white is the most versatile opening to learn, as it can be transposed into most beginner-friendly board states.
Im risking my life with this, but dont believe their lies. Em passant is not for
I'm also on chess, I think on the tail end of it though
See you there in a few weeks! Let me know what I've got to look forward to!
Having higher expectations for yourself in terms of your improvement than you're able to achieve, instead just becoming simultaneously increasingly aware of the horrible mistakes you're making without actually being able to fix them while believing you're just so much better than everyone else your elo even though its probably not true
I was hoping for DnD, guess that'll do tho 😳
What do you mean by DnD? Do not disturb? Dungeons and Dragons? In either case what does it mean in that context? 😅
This is me so much. I don't have an official diagnosis and should probably go talk to my doctor but it's just so much work but oh look a cool 16 episode documentary on professional poker and historical cheating in casinos on YouTube and spending multiple days and hours og researching what bicycle saddle is the best is just more satisfying for my brain. I've already got a referral to the psychiatrist bu that's a year ago and is not valid anymore so yay me for not being able to take care of myself.
I've started more things than i can quit. :-(
The master have failed more times than the amateur have tried.
As someone who created his own pfsense router on top of a proxmox VM and know zero about networking, I feel personally attacked.