If it's the kind of meeting where you start off with "HEYYYY", then that response is perfectly acceptable.
Rules •1. No Doxxing •2. No TikTok reposts •3. No Harassing •4. Post Gore at your own discretion, Depends if its funny or just gore to be an edgelord.
This is more of a failure on the part of the husband's colleagues. You mean to tell me nobody followed that with "in the club on the late night, feeling right..."?
It happens to the best of us. And also those weird times when you think someone is waving/talking to you and they meant someone else
Had this happen just the other day.. was walking past this girl, and she says “hey!”, so I look over and say “hi!”
Then behind me heard her friend start talking to her
I haven’t returned to campus since
You are so brave, not moving to another state after that. I know I would
Not you. In fact, everyone but you!
Try having a phone conversation through Bluetooth headphones.
IRL shitpost
"She's a keeper, John." -- Zoom caller
Smoke an L in the back of the Ben-zee-ee.