This is well done. I love the aesthetic.
Submit screenshots of all your *NIX desktops, themes, and nifty configurations, or submit anything else that will make themers happy. Maybe a server running on an Amiga, or a Thinkpad signed by Bjarne Stroustrup? Show the world how pretty your computer can be!
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I'd love to have a link to the wallpaper :)
That is super cohesive! Very nice
Nice work :) The only kind of light theme I could possibly go for is something a bit like this..
Solarized light is without a doubt the best light theme.
Wow, amazing. Definetely a light theme that i would use. Really aestethic and cohesive. Maybe Will try to reach something like It someday.
Btw, i have a N150P too i run Void with i3wm+i3blocks+rofi. Love the small machines, i use It to college works and study in general. It still has a battery that holds about 2 hours of reading or text editing.
Thanks. This was one of my all times favourite rice. I use dark themes almost everywhere but for writing a light theme felt right.
It's nice that it still works but I guess the battery is kinda end of its life if it only goes for 2 hours. :) Also, Void rocks.
I'd love to have a link to the wallpaper :)
Apparently the comments are not federating correctly, had to change the instance.
Bro I wanna see more of the fake busy story!
The link doesn't work :/
Could it be because it's not https? Anyway, I made a pastebin for you:
That is quite beautiful