Cool, I hope they all do this
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And that’s basically it!
Not really...
This isn't something Billy Bob decided on his own.
He's being told not to fly because the conservative talking heads don't want him to leave his flyover state and see what the rest of the country is like
They want him isolated and scared, because those people keep voting Republican without questioning what they're told.
If he visited a "blue state" or any average sized city, he might realize he's being lied to about what they're like.
They want them stuck in their red state where they'll keep their two senators and House reps
This is why they hate college. Isolated students who were sheltered by their conservative parents are forced to mix with people who are different from them… and the students realize the differences that they were taught to be afraid of don’t really matter. They start to think for themselves.
Independent thought is what scares conservatives the most.
It's hard now, though, because they're saying the military is too "woke" now, too! But without a steady influx of Good Ol' Boys how do we continue to justify our defense budget?
You can't be pro military and anti-woke, a lot of the aforementioned Good Ol' Boys have the same experience as the ones who go to college: they're exposed to minorities and realize the lies aren't true. How do you keep bodies going in while telling them not to go in because it's too "woke"?
This is also why they hate Tiktok. Too easy to see what everyone else in the normal world is doing.
Yep, it's easy to be mad at them because they're hateful people
But we'll never out hate conservatives. If we try we're doing exactly what the people telling them what to think want.
It's like with prisoners, we focus on punishment rather than rehabilitation. And it works out horribly.
If we actually want to fix America (and it sure as shit looks like we're running out of time) we need to focus on what works best, not what feels best.
Like that Black dude who's gotten over 100 KKK members to renounce their racist ways. He doesn't yell at them, he talks to them and wears them down.
It's not easy, and it's more than they deserve, but it works.
And if something works, than that's what we should be doing.
The first step is getting them out of their bubble.
eh, there's pretty of reasons to hate TikTok.
and some have sworn off flying altogether
I gonna take this as a win for the environment
Now we just need to convince them that cars are unsafe due to wokeness.
Look at all these airbags and seatbelts they put in, they're clearly infected by the woke mind virus. And the parking camera is sending your information straight to China. And don't get me started on the gasoline that's just an excuse to give our hard earned money to the arab-communist-anti-christmas consortium
Get around like a REAL american by getting a bicycle, propulsioned by your own legs, like god and the founding fathers intended
No, no. You're giving them too much credit. All it took for the likes of Tim Pool to decry DEI is that the pilot at the time of incident with the door plug was a woman. He wondered aloud if she "pressed the wrong button" and the airline "deleted the flight recordings to cover it up" as if theres some door ejector button on board and as if both boeing and the airline wouldn't be tripping over themselves to pass the blame off on an incompetent pilot if given even a sliver of an opportunity to do so.
All Chick-fil-A had to do was hire a VP with DEI in their title. Bud light simply gifted a can to a trans person with their picture on it. Target just sold a modest bathing suit for adults just with a wider gusset and mild binding effect as an ideal option for trans wearers.
No, all you would need is something like this:
Just THINK about how many diversity licenses they're handing out these days!! How many hoodlum thugs and women with no business driving are out there sharing the road with you, just waiting to kill you in an accident? We all know they can't drive! How many of them got the chance to screw up at the factory where they BUILT your CAR??? Or "fixing" the roads! Everyone knows they don't build em like they used to and that the roads are crap... and it's all because of the wokes and their silly DEI!!
No actual logic or policy required. Bald-faced fear mongering is plenty enough to rile them up. Anything to redirect the blame for societal enshittification to identity politics instead of the obvious conclusions of capitalism falling into an unmitigated death spiral.
The dust that comes free after an airbag deployment makes you trisexual.
[S]ince ill-conceived right-wing boycotts rarely tend to hurt the businesses they target in the long term, it’s entirely plausible that the true outcome of this backlash is fewer passengers spewing toxic politics to their seatmates. Friendly skies, indeed.
Well played, Rolling Stone.
After years of research, I have come up with a complete list of every conceivable action a company can take that leads a to a conservative boycott:
- Don't be a bigot
This just in, that's actually been downgraded to:
Treat people with the absolute bare minimum of decency, or appearance of decency.
Wait, so if I book on a "woke" airline I'll be less likely to sit beside asshole racist idiots? This just keeps getting better!
And hopefully the non-woke airlines are still flying their MAX 9s...
and some have sworn off flying altogether
Maybe they can be convinced to support upgrading rail to be a more viable competitor to flying, then? 🥺
But they won't want to build the infrastructure! And if they force black people and Mexicans to build it they'll simultaneously scream "woke agenda taking our jobs" and "look, look how nice we are allowing these underprivileged people work grueling hours for next to no pay!"
And besides, it's not up to us to fund the upgrading! You do it!
I wish they’d just avoid planes with left wings altogether.
Boeing might be able to help with that.
I welcome conservatives taking fewer flights. If anything that will mean less demand for plane tickets and theoretically cheaper fares over time.
Oh no! Then who will tell me that I should "go back to where I came from " and then make fun of my mixed kids?
The best answer to that question is, "Wait, you mean Kansas City?"
I welcome anything that lowers fossil fuel use.
As a normal person I fully support "conservatives" staying away from the resources I use.
Btw elections are inclusive and therefore woke.
Noticed when it's right-wingers doing it in real life it's a "boycott" but when it happens in their collective imaginations it's "cancel culture"?
I wish they'd hurry up and become a death cult
They already are. They worship the death of their God, ignoring all the stuff he said to do while he was alive. They won't engage in any common sense gun control. They worship the military while they're engaged in killing people, and then they demand those people continue to sacrifice their lives by underfunding and cutting benefits at the VA. They force births, but only to feed the machine with those bodies - once the kids are born, they try to stop them from receiving any benefits like food, medicine, or education - in large part to force them into the military or prisons where they can be controlled and used up.
It's worse because they are a suicidal death cult.
They wish to bring about their version of the end of the world and are doing everything they can to make it happen. All the while, they are dragging the rest of the world down with them.
some have sworn off flying altogether
Bubba didnt fly much anyway.
Right? “I’ll never fly with that airline!” isn’t much of a threat when it’s coming from someone who’s never been more than fifteen miles from where they were born.
couldn't afford the extra ticket he would have to buy to cover his weight anyway.
We need to bring back TWA. A whole airline just to give them nightmares.
We need to bring back ValuJet. A whole airline just for politicians to use. 👍
It’s not “scared of diversity”; diversity is just the dog-whistle. Their ideology demands unconditional support for people who are “on their team” and punishment (economic and otherwise) for people who aren’t. Airlines aren’t willing to cooperate with performative anti-leftism, so they’re the enemy now. Same with Truth Social being the only acceptable social media, or Alex Jones Brand Patriot Coffee / Beer / Whatever. The true believers are tribing themselves up.
Wake me when they start boycotting air.
Can conservatives start to boycott breathing oxygen? Rumor has it the O2 might be woke...
First, it was 'cultural Marxism' then 'SJWs' and now 'woke.' Could they get any more fucking lame with their dog whistles?
There's a better word to describe people that are "scared of diversity": racist. Or "bigoted", in a broader sense.
The airlines should offer a compromise, like putting all minorities at the back of the plane. /s
The minority being the conservatives, of course. The "silent majority" turned out to be a screaming minority
Yesterday I opened a box of fruit loops. I found myself wondering when conservatives would say they were too woke because of the rainbow colors.
Sweet, more power to them. Fuck off, conservatives.
Wait until they hear about how diverse our highways are.
It'll be awesome when they have to drive everywhere and stick mostly to their own states.
I've seen this on Facebook. Now and then Facebook will show me a page that follows the investigations into these issues, and if I scroll through the comments, I'll often see, "This is because of DEI!"
On a related note, I'm always amused that people are extremely personally invested in either Boeing or Airbus, as though their next personal jet airliner would never be of the other brand. Kind of like how some people are very loyal to their brand of car and fanboy the hell out of that brand. It just feels like more tribalism to me.